Page 26 of Just a Wrong Turn
Liza looked down at her hand. “You want me to share my cheese with you?” She broke off a piece and threw it to him. He chomped it down and returned to sit in front of her.
“Oh look at you sitting so nice. That’s a good boy.” Taking one step closer, she threw another tiny chunk his way. Again, he ate it and returned to sitting.
“How close are you gonna let me get to you? Is string cheese the way to your heart?” Liza moved all the way up to the kennel this time. Then, taking a deep breath, she attempted to hand feed Randy a piece of cheese. It took all her courage not to close her eyes. “Please don’t bite my hand.”
In an instant, Randy grabbed the piece of cheese. Looking down she realized all her fingers were intact. She pressed her luck by simply putting her fingers through the chain link, curious to see what the dog would do. He sniffed her hand and then… he licked her. And he licked her again.
“Aww, Randy are you giving me kisses? That’s so sweet. Well, we finished off that one. Time for bed, okay?”
Liza stood and turned to head back to Miller’s room, but after taking one step, she heard Randy whine. Looking over her shoulder, she saw him lying down with his head resting on his two front paws. His big brown eyes peered up at her.
“Randy, how can I say no to that? Okay, one more.”
Liza walked to the fridge and returned with cheese in hand. “So… What would happen if I came into the kennel with you? You gonna be okay with that? Because I also give very good ear scratchies and I know you probably haven’t had any in a while because you normally don’t let anyone come close.”
Sliding the clasp up, she pushed open the kennel door. “Sit…”
The dog did as he was told. Once Liza was in, she wasn’t sure what to do, so she threw a peace offering of cheese his way. Seeing how well that went over, she kneeled down and held out her hand. “Come,” she said softly.
Randy trotted over to her and took the cheese. Liza slid down to sit with her back against the kennel wall.
“Okay, you wanna come sit by me?” She held out another piece. He didn’t move. “I promise, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
Randy stood, but didn’t walk towards her. She could tell that he wanted to by the way his ears were perked up. “I’m just gonna sit real still right here, and you come over when you’re ready.”
Liza counted in her head. At ten seconds, he approached in slow motion. After taking the cheese from her hand, he sat next to her.
“I’m gonna try to pet you now. If you don’t like it… tell me. Ugh I wish you could talk. If you don’t want pets, just move away okay?”
Liza’s heart was racing as if she were trying to pet a lion and not a five pound Chihuahua. With one finger she stroked his back. Immediately, he relaxed into her and leaned against her leg. “Oh my gosh… Randall! I think we just became best friends!"
“Liza?” Miller whispered.
“I’m out here." When she heard footsteps, the dog stiffened. “Hey, stop. Before you come over, go to the fridge and grab a string cheese.”
“What?” Miller replied groggily.
“Bring string cheese. From the fridge."
When Miller was just a few feet away, she heard, “What the… Are you in Randy’s kennel?”
“Yep." Liza looked at Miller who’s mouth had dropped open.
“But… how?”
“String cheese. Go ahead, throw him some.”
Miller threw Randall a piece and then slowly made his way to the kennel door.
Following Liza’s instructions, he finally sat down next to her. After Miller stretched out his legs, Randall jumped into Liza’s lap while taking the cheese from Miller’s hand.
Both their eyes widened and they sat in stunned silence as Randall cozied up to Liza.
She stroked the tiny dog's head. “I haven't felt this much pride in an accomplishment since teaching myself how to fishtail braid after months of agonizing practice. We're besties now. Right, Randall?"
“Randall, huh?”
With a grin, Liza explained. “Seems like a more fitting name for a man of such distinguished taste.”