Page 4 of Just a Wrong Turn
“According to a complaint filed by the city, you are accused of entering the parade without a permit, impeding parade flow at Main Street, and displaying inappropriate attire.”
Liza looked down at her hands.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“It really was just a wrong turn, sir. I was embarrassed so I thought I’d pretend like I was a part of it.”
Captain Tate eyed her skeptically. “We’ve seen the video you posted, Miss Eckland.”
“I didn’t realize I was recording. And then when I saw the video later, I thought it was just such a happy accident. I had to share it with my followers.” Liza chewed on her lip.
“Well, unfortunately for you, regardless of how you say you ended up in that predicament, the city intends to make an example out of you to deter any future parade violations.”
“What… what does that mean?” Liza’s heart began to race as she realized she could actually be in serious trouble.
“The city could take legal action.”
Liza dropped her head into her hands. She felt tears brimming.No, no, no…“But… I really didn’t…”
Captain Tate held up his hand. “I get it Miss Eckland. I have two daughters… had two…” He closed his notebook and blew out a breath. Looking up at her, he said, “I made a call to Mayor Larson. If you agree to fifty hours of community service, the city won’t pursue charges.”
“Really?” Liza held her breath.
The captain nodded slowly. “There’s a local dog rescue in need of volunteers. If you complete your fifty hours, there will be nothing on your record. But, if you don’t, Mayor Larson intends to move forward with the complaint.”
Liza knew a good deal when she saw one.All I have to do is help out an animal shelter?She pictured herself surrounded by adorable puppies.
Captain Tate’s voice broke through her thoughts. “Ms. Eckland, do you agree to complete fifty hours of community service?”
Nodding swiftly Liza said, “Of course. I really appreciate your help Captain Tate. I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll be much more careful.”
Captain Tate stood. “No more wrong turns. Oh, and take the video down.”
Liza grabbed her purse and gave a small smile. “Absolutely, I will. No more wrong turns.”
“Ah, you’ll need to stay here a little longer. The director of the dog rescue will be here soon. I wanted you to meet him and hear his expectations.”
Liza set her purse back down. “Oh okay. Thank you, sir.”
After the captain shut the door, Liza closed her eyes and took a deep breath.That was a close one!Then she remembered her prayer of desperation a few minutes earlier. She wasn’t usually the praying type, but it really seemed to work.God, hey… thanks so much for that. Weird how I promised I’d do fifty good deeds and now I have to do fifty hours of community service? Kind of creepy, actually. We’re even then, right? Also, thanks for making it be at a dog rescue. Could not have asked for a better placement! High-five God!Liza hit the air and proceeded to do her signature celebratory shoulder dance.
Chapter 4
“Miller,thanksforcomingin,” Captain Tate said as he strode through the door.
“Everything okay?”
“I actually have good news for you.” The captain leaned back in his chair.
Miller raised an eyebrow.
“I found you a volunteer for the rescue. Fifty free hours of manual labor. All yours. You’re welcome.”
“Captain…” Miller didnotwant to babysit some low level convict. The captain had floated the idea of filtering those in need of community service hours through UnderDogs a few months ago. Miller said he’d consider it, but then he’d never heard about it again.
Although the idea of extra hands around the rescue would be nice, Miller knew it could actually mean more work for him. And it would definitely mean interacting with more people on a daily basis. That alone made Miller want to turn it down.