Page 61 of Just a Wrong Turn
“Miller, hey.” It was Liza. “Ada said you looked pale. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Miller ran his hand through his hair. The elevator doors opened and he strode inside.
Liza followed. “Where are you going? What’s wrong?” She put her hand on his forearm. His skin tingled at her touch.
Words were sprinting through his mind in all different directions. After rubbing his forehead, he finally looked at Liza. “You’re leaving?”
The elevator dinged and opened to the rooftop. Miller exited immediately. He desperately needed air. There were space heaters amid patio furniture, making the outside temperature bearable. He stood near the rooftop edge and looked out at the city lights. Liza stood beside him.
They stayed that way for a moment before Liza said, “It happened really quickly. I only found out yesterday that I got accepted to the LA Design Institute. Ada mentioned I could take Maggie’s place when she moved out and it all seemed like it was working out so perfectly.” She hung her head. “I’ve been so nervous to tell you…” Finding his eyes, she finished her thought, “because I don’t want to lose you… as a friend or… whatever this might be turning into. “
Miller’s body refused to move.
His limbs were concrete.
Liza was leaving like so many other people in his life had. Distance killed relationships. It wasn’t a hypothesis he needed to test. He already knew the conclusion.
“Please say something,” Liza pleaded.
“I’m happy for you.” He wasn’t lying. He was just ignoring his own feelings.
“Can we… try…” Liza trailed off. “I don’t want to say ‘to stay in touch’ because it feels like saying goodbye at summer camp. But I really want to. I want to know what you’re doing everyday. I want to hear about Snowdrop and Randall and all the dogs. I want to listen to your yelly rock music with you.”
Miller looked over at her and saw a sheen in her eyes. He couldn’t stand to see her cry. Immediately, he wrapped her up in his arms. “Yeah… yeah, of course.” Even if he didn’t believe it was possible, he didn't want to hurt her. He’d let the natural consequences of distance take over. They’d just slowly drift apart.
Losing Liza, on top of the rescue, was a weight pushing him under the current of life. But, he wouldn’t take Liza down with him. She had too much going for her.
He forced a smile and kissed her hair.
Chapter 26
Liza sat in the backseat of Chase’s clunky Jeep. Having just moved to Los Angeles a week ago, she never expected to be heading out on a road trip so soon. But it was only a few days until Christmas, and Chase was playing a show in Big Bear Lake, California. Maggie and Chase had graciously invited Liza and Ada to stay with them in their four bedroom Airbnb. She was surprised they didn’t want more alone time as newlyweds, but they had returned a few days ago from their honeymoon weekend in Santa Barbara.
Liza sighed as she looked out the window. The landscape was incredible as they climbed up the mountain, but she was missing Miller and Randall and her tiny apartment. Everything here was new and exciting but it didn’t feel like home. She had been admittedly mopey, which Ada was extremely concerned about. Ada suggested a seaweed body wrap and a juice cleanse. Thankfully, Maggie won with her prescription of fresh mountain air and a cozy cabin.
As they pulled into the driveway of their woodsy retreat, Liza felt her spirits lift. She looked down at her phone to exit Instagram when she saw a post from @MillertheUnderdog.
Miller posted a video?
Liza was shocked. Miller was terrible at social media. He also wasn’t great with communication in general. They’d FaceTimed a few times since the wedding, but she’d been busy with moving and he’d been consumed with the fire aftermath. She could understand why he probably didn’t feel like chatting, but his lack of effort stung.
“We’re here!” Maggie announced as the vehicle rolled to a stop. Everyone immediately began opening their doors. “Coming, Liza?” Maggie asked.
“Uh, yeah. I’ll be just a minute.” Liza increased the volume on her phone as she prepared to watch Miller’s video. He appeared to be standing in front of what was left of the rescue building. Liza smiled seeing him in his signature gray t-shirt. He was as handsome as ever with the sun shining on his face.
“Hey, this is Miller with Underdogs Rescue. I wanted to give a quick update. Thank you to those who donated to our SupportACause page. I’ve used that money to pay off our remaining vet bills. If you signed up for the virtual 5k, I’ve refunded your money. UnderDogs Rescue will be closing indefinitely. All of our dogs have been placed with foster families through alternative organizations. I really appreciate your support.” The video ended abruptly.
Liza sat stunned.What… Miller never said anything about the rescue closing.She felt tears in her eyes. They were hot, sad, angry tears. Immediately, she FaceTimed Miller. He didn’t answer, so she FaceTimed him again. This time the line immediately ended, so clearly he was ignoring her. She decided to try a good old-fashioned phone call. He picked up.
“Hey,” he said, a bit strained. “I’m busy, can—”
Liza cut him off. “You’re closing UnderDogs?” She heard rustling in the background.
“Yeah, it’s a long story. Can I call you back later?”