Page 6 of Endless Whispers
“One step at a time,” she repeated, sliding into her shoes. “One painful high heel step at a time.”
From the moment they entered the limo, they had to be on. They couldn’t risk blowing their cover. They were husband and wife now. She an employee of the organization, Mick a reluctant spouse dragged to an event. When the limo pulled up to the luxurious country club, they stepped out, Charlize leaning on Mick for balance as her heels threatened to betray her with every step. It felt good to touch him again. To breathe in his cologne and know he wouldn’t let her fall. She’d missed that.
The grand ballroom was adorned with chandeliers and filled with elegantly dressed guests, all seemingly oblivious to the sinister side of the organization they were raising money for. It was astonishing to Charlize how easy it was to fool people. Blind them with the promise of a night of indulgence and know they would never ask deeper questions. They’d just write a check and feel good about themselves.
“Charlize!” A familiar face from the office appeared before her. Brenda leaned in and kissed Charlize on each cheek. “I’m so glad you’re here. The whole board of directors is dying to meet you. This must be your husband.”
“Hello, Brenda,” Charlize sang back in a friendly tone. “Yes, this is Michael.”
“Call me Mick,” he insisted, taking her hand and greeting her, though being sure to look unimpressed at the same time.
Brenda gushed as she put a hand on Mick’s shoulder. “Well, Mick, you probably grow weary of hearing this, but your wife is a superstar. She’s already advanced our grant program light years ahead of where it was. The funding will be rolling in before we know it.”
“She’s something,” Mick replied coolly, keeping his body language stiff. He was supposed to look uncomfortable. A fish out of water and she couldn’t tell yet if this was an act or not. He looked great in his tux, but maybe it was really choking him half to death.
“Would I be able to steal her a way for a few minutes?” Brenda asked with a coy expression. “I’d love her to meet with our honored guests this evening. The women we do this for. They really make the work so rewarding.”
“I’ll head to the bar,” Mick replied, just over a grumble. “Two hours, right?” he asked over his shoulder and Charlize loved this gruff miserable version of Mick.
She nodded and then turned toward Brenda. “This isn’t really his scene. He’s a good sport but corporate functions always make him squirm.”
“Oh he’ll grab the ear of some other uncomfortable husband at the bar and they’ll start talking sports and commiserating and all will be well.”
“Absolutely,” Charlize agreed. “So we’re meeting women who have benefited from the program?”
“Yes. I think it’s important for you to see the work we do and why we do it. I know grant writing is very formal, but I think having a passion for the cause must help too.”
“It does. Many grants need to include that kind of information. In order to be awarded funding, articulating what separates your organization from others, making you worthy of being the recipient, is vital. I was actually hoping I could do more than just a quick meet with some clients.”
“Clients,” Brenda nodded thoughtfully as if a light bulb had just appeared over her head. “I love that. That’s a beautiful way to think of the people we serve.”
“I find that dignity is a universal desire. People, even those in terrible positions, want to feel like they matter. It can go a long way in your mission statement and garnering more funding and grants. Meeting some clients would inform my work and pay off well in the long run.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do. I mean I can’t give you broad access to the people we help. Confidentiality and privacy is important. But the women we invited tonight would be perfect. We have about an hour before dinner is served and the ceremony begins. Let me find a quiet corner and see if Rose has some time to talk. Rose is great, she’ll tell you what you want to hear.” Brenda smiled wide. “Clients?” She tapped her chin. “I love that.”
It had taken years of practice to keep from letting the rage boil over. There was evil in the world. That was unavoidable. People like Brenda were always justifying the things they did. Preying on those who could not defend themselves. And shockingly they seemed to sleep fine at night. They could come to these galas. Laugh. Play. Pretend they didn’t choke on their champagne or feel strangled by their conscience.
Brenda rushed Charlize toward a young woman with a simple sundress and freshly curled hair. The way she forced her back straight and held her breath for a few beats too long let Charlize know everything she needed to about this woman. There was a dodginess in her eyes even though she was working hard to make sure it wasn’t noticeable.
“Rose,” Brenda chirped, sending the young woman jumping, “I want you to meet Charlize. She’s an integral new part of our organization. Likely the reason we’ll be able to grow exponentially in the near future.”
That was probably the last thing Rose wanted, but she still smiled and extended her hand for a greeting. She was rail thin and the dark circles under her eyes were fighting against the concealer that had been slathered on them. This was a husk of a woman who was being propped up and paraded around as some victory lap for Brenda.
“We should all have a chat. Let’s step over here.” Brenda gestured to the corner of the ballroom where a small station of chairs circled around a large table. She groaned as someone called her name and waved her over frantically. “Uh, I’m sorry ladies. I imagine there is some kind of emergency with the seating chart I’m needed for. I’ll come back shortly to check in with you. Rose, make sure you tell Charlize all the wonderful things you love about us.” She skittered away, and Charlize envied how skilled she was at moving in her high heels.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Rose coughed out nervously as she settled into a chair. “You’re just starting at the Angels of a New Day?”
“Yes, I’m working on trying to obtain various grants to fund the organization. The work being done here deserves all the capital it can get. I’m glad to do what I can to help.”
“So you’re going to help them grow the organization?” Rose’s nostrils flared. “So they can work with more single mothers?”
“That’s the plan. Can you tell me more about your experience? I’d love to hear some of the details of your story if you’re comfortable sharing.”
“How much bigger would it get?” Rose gulped nervously, obediently folding her hands and clenching them tightly together. “There would be a lot more women in the program? More children?”