Page 19 of Gunner
Mel goes to say something before we hear Sophie scream out 'NO' over and over, and I don't think I just run towards Ink's room. I ignore Cammy telling me to leave Ink to her as I rush in, climbing in bed with her in front of her, my tears falling down my cheeks when she grips me, putting her head in my neck, wailing.
I hold her tight as she cries herself to sleep, clutching me while my sobs wrack my body for her loss and for my loss.
I squeeze my eyes shut as Ink speaks, dictating what we all have to do, and I find it hard not to snap at him, "Everyone leave; get ready for the funeral; I'll wake her again and get her sorted. We'll meet you all outside for the hurst." I hold her tighter as he speaks to me, causing me to sob. "You too, Leah." I can't move, though; she needs me. "I promise, she'll be okay."
I shake my head before someone lifts me up, and I instantly know it's Gunner by his rich cologne and the smell of Cara's fricking rose perfume, making me sob some more. I can't be around these people anymore. For years, I've put on a smile, but I can't fake it any longer. Gunner walks us out of the room when I hear Cara in the background say, "Gunner, she has legs, baby; let her walk, yeah," but he ignores her, taking me into a room before lying on the bed.
I feel the bed dip as my sobs shake my body before he moves my hair out of my face.
"Angel, look at me," he raps, but I ignore him, making him sigh before laying back, ensuring to keep his hand on mine, squeezing it every time I try to move it. "We'll wait here until it's time to go. You'll be riding on the back of my bike."
I spring my eyes open, and he smirks at me, knowing he's gotten what he wanted.
I go to shake my head, but he just shrugs before closing his eyes, making me want to punch him.
A few hours later, and the service is over, we're back at the clubhouse, where Cara has shoved me several times for being on the back of Gunner's bike, where I barely held onto him, trying to hide my bump and not wanting to touch him. He stunk off her, so they obviously had a get-together when I was left alone in a room for half an hour. He also has a new hickey on his neck, proving my point.
Most of the MCs have ignored me except for Doc, Ava, Dagger, and Ink. I haven't spoken to Hawk since he accused me of having an affair with his dad, a man I see as my dad, and I've made sure to dodge my foster parents who are currently sitting with 'him' laughing and joking, looking my way every once in a while, but I keep my eyes on my friend, wondering when the best time for me to leave will be, but I don't know if leaving her would be a good idea. Also, staying around these people who I thought were my family and around the parents who took me in is sending my stress levels high, which isn't good for the baby.
I can feel Gunner standing next to me; he's barely left my side since the service, but I ignore him while he talks to Axel and Hawk, who keeps looking at me with apologetic eyes. Ava said she had words, but I don't care; the damage is done.
I take a small sip of my lemon juice when I notice Cara, whose hair is suddenly bright fucking pink when it was brown this morning, slink up next to Gunner, who automatically wraps his arm around her, and pain shoots through me. It won't be long before he makes her his old lady; it's probably better that way. I try to move away a little while Cara smirks at me, knowing my feelings for the man that she's currently all over in barely there clothes, which she wore for a freaking wake, when there's a loud bang, and I turn to look at Sophie with shock. She's standing near the table, her chair knocked over as she glares at Gunner.
I shake my head at her, but she ignores me before storming over to a confused Gunner and pulling her fist back, punching him. Cara screams like she was the one hit and moves out of the way, making me roll my eyes before Sophie screams at Gunner.
"YOU COMPLETE WASTE OF FUCKING SPACE." She points at him while his eyes are like saucers, which would be funny if my sister from another mister wasn't about to out me. "You standhere next to my best friend and wrap your arm around another woman. The same woman you always fucking run off to."
Oh fuck, no, no, no.
"For years, my best friend has had to watch YOU parade around with that skank."
She points at a shocked Cara while Gunner's eyes widen, and I swallow hard because my best friend, who's going through so much pain, has decided to focus on my pain instead, boxing hers in.
I shake my head at her again, but she ignores me.
"You have been treating her like she's your fucking doormat. If someone takes notice of her, you scare them away, then go back to the bitch; she's upset; your right there to take care of her before yet again going back to that fucking bitch!"
Gunner's eyes flare before he shouts, “BECAUSE SHES MY FUCKING FRIEND!”
I flinch at his words as I hear Ink growl at Gunner's tone toward his woman while Cara grins before one of my secrets is out of the bag: "WHOSE FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU!"
I look down, squeezing my eyes shut, knowing he's looking at me.
"And when you saved her from some fucking asshole four months ago at the park and took her home, where you both drank, you slept with her!"
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, Sophie, stop. Please, please, please, stop.
"It wasn't a dream." I hear Gunner rasp, and my tears start to form while the whole clubhouse is quiet.
I can hear the smirk in her voice as she takes delight in hurting him like he's been hurting me. "No, Gunner, it wasn't a dream, and you didn't even remember; instead, you went back to Barbie Wannabe over there the next day! Do you know the best thingwhen people think you're not listening because of your grief, Gunner? They talk.” I hear Cara gasp, but I don't look up; I can't. "The bitch admitted while on the phone that she'd poked holes in your condoms this morning. "I feel the room get tense, and I look up to see all the brothers stand. She wants your patch and your money, so what better way than trapping you?"
Gunner goes stone-cold still before slowly turning to look at Cara, his eyes hard before he tilts his head at her, making her swallow hard. He's pissed because, well, he did fuck her this morning; he has hickeys to prove it, and he stinks of her.
It's all he says for Shane to take hold of the woman's arm, who then proceeds to drag her, kicking and screaming, out of the clubhouse before turning back to me. He goes to walk towards me, but I just shake my head at him before moving over to the table with Cammy, who instantly takes me in her arms despite being a bitch over the years towards me, but right now I don't have anyone else to turn to. I don't look at Leah; I can't until I hear her gasp and Gunner tries to help her. "It's ok; just breathe; it's ok."