Page 22 of Gunner
All of us brothers will be where Leah's concerned, and I'll have one hell of a fight on my hands.
Half an hour later, I'm unlocking the guest bedroom door before something flies at my head, making my eyes widen as the vase mom picked out smashes. Fuck, that was close. I look towards a very pissed-off Leah, who's going to be even more pissed off with me in a minute. I cleared my throat,
“Soph, she, uh, she...”
She doesn't let me finish as she rushes towards me, her eyes wild and her hair a mess still in her funeral clothes. I guess she didn't want to wear the shirt I left for her.
"She what? Is she okay?"
I cleared my throat again. "She tried to jump off the Hudson Bridge. Ink managed to save her in time; she's now back at his; she's okay."
Leah's tears fall from her eyes as she gasps before she tries to go past me, but I grip her arm.
Sophie needs peace and quiet now, not an irate friend.
"We all agreed to leave her in peace for today, you can see her in a few days once things have calmed down.”
She changes right before my eyes as her eyes burn with rage before her nostrils flare. Fuck, she's pissed, and I'm starting to miss the mother hen from the bar who wouldn't give us alcoholic drinks if we were in a bad mood. I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. Her fist goes back, and she swings, hitting me right in my already-cut lip, and it's a hard fucking punch too, so hard that I end up knocking into the wall.
Fuck me.
She gets in my face while my eyes widen in shock, “Don’t. Ever. Get. In. between. Me. And. My. Sister. Again.”
She rushes out of the bedroom without looking back, and I curse quickly, shoving myself off the wall and going after her while ignoring my bleeding lip. I manage to catch up as she tries to barge into Ink's house, but he just puts his hand up and says, "I'm sorry, Leah. I understand you're her friend, but she's my woman, my family; she needs peace, not you upsetting her."
Oh fuck. It was the wrong thing to say. She tilts her head up to him.
"You're stopping me from seeing my best friend, my sister, who tried to kill herself because she feels so lost without her momma when all this could have been avoided if you'd have 'allowed' me near her sooner."
Ink shakes his head. "You would have made things worse, Leah; you know that."
Leah just smirks before, oh shit, she lifts her knee and rams it in between his legs, making me wince while Axel behind him mutters, "What the fuck?" as Ink drops to his knees, coughing before she gets in his face.
"I nearly ruined 26 years of friendship because of your selfish fucking ass, and this is how you repay me, keeping me from her. I don't think so, biker boy; she was my family first, and you wouldn't even know her if it wasn't for me."
With that, she barges past him while Axel puts his hands up, not wanting any bodily harm, before we both drag Ink up and rush after her, catching up in time to hear Doc scold her for not resting.
"Leah, you need your rest!"
Sophie hums, "He's right."
Leah just scoffs, "Sorry Dad, I'll get some rest when my sister decides not to fucking leave me alone with no one, and the fuckers in this MC stop trying to dictate what I can and cannotdo where my family is concerned, oh, and by the way, Soph, Ink may not be able to have kids now."
Ink growls; this is what he wanted to avoid, and I go to take a step forward until Doc shakes his head at us before scolding Leah, "Hey, what about me?"
She smiles at Doc, her eyes shining, before going back to Sophie, whose tears have started to flow again.
Fuck sake.
"I'm sorry, Lee-Lee."
Leah sighs and shakes her head before climbing onto the bed, both girls holding each other tightly, while Doc walks over to us and mutters, "You three are fucking idiots," before pointing at the girls and saying, "Watch."
And we do; we turn as Sophie speaks again.
"I've-I've been selfish. I was going to l-leave you, m-my sister, and Jackson." Leah squeezes her tightly, “I-I’m not t-the only one w-who lost a momma.” Leah shakes her head; you can see her trying to fight back her tears, “Y-yes, she was y-yours too. S-she b-brought y-you up, y-you called her momma, y-you lost y-your momma, Leah, y-you lost her too."
We all freeze as the realization hits us. Leah put her grief aside for Sophie.