Page 25 of Gunner
Annalise giggles while Sophie shakes her head at me before pointing, "You are not off the hook; we'll be having words, and I can bet my vet license momma will haunt you for not eating properly."
My eyes widen while the men choke on a laugh, but not Gunner; he's too busy glaring at me, but I ignore him. shaking my head at Sophie and smiling,
"How to lose a guy in 10 days?"
She grins as well as Annalise while the men groan before saying they are out, making our grins go wider before Gunner comes up to me, whispering in my ear,
"We still need to talk, Angel, and sort this mess out so we can both move on with our lives. I'll pick you up at 8."
He doesn't kiss me, which is good because I'll probably punch him again. Move on with our lives. I'm carrying his fucking child from a night he doesn't even remember while he fucks other women, shoving them in my fucking face.
I mean, he had two women on his desk when I went and quit!
Sophie narrows her eyes at him; she heard, and she also knows who the father of my unborn child is, but I just shake my head at her to leave it; screw him. Even Annalise is glaring at Gunner's back for his words.
The pain shoots through me when I realize he's never going to want to be with me, is he?
I let out a sniffle, and both women grabbed a hold of me before we all sat cuddled up together watching movies while I ignored the pain slicing through me. I know he loves me; he's shown it time and time again. I know he was using Cara, but whatever 'he' said after my interview, I have been a no-go to him. But maybe it's for the best because, after everything he's done, includingwalking away five years ago when 'he' assaulted me, I don't think I could ever trust him.
Sighing, I place my head on Sophie's shoulder as she grips my hand while Annalise puts the movie on.
Hours later, Annalise is taking me back to my car, where she ensures Cal opens the gate for me before Ink gets back, and I head home after thanking her.
I don't hug her because of my bump, but I do kiss her cheek while hoping I've made a new friend before I head home to my new apartment alone.
Chapter 10
Gunner 1 week later
I stormed into Flames' room at the clubhouse. He's sitting behind his computer desk and raises a brow at me, his bright blue eyes assessing me as I start to pace his room. I'm frustrated, so fucking frustrated. Last week after, I told Leah I'd pick her up from Ink's at eight so we could finally get things back to normal because, let's face it, we can't be a couple because of Razor; she knows it, I know, but instead of finding her drinking with the girls, I fucking find her already gone, and her pissed off friend telling me, no, ordering me to stay the fuck away from her 'sister' from now on until I'm ready to give a relationship ago, all while Ink tries not to laugh like the cock sucker he is.
For a whole fucking week, I've been trying to find her, but it's like she's vanished. Not only did she make true to her promise and quit at the bar where we're now fucking struggling because she did every-fucking-thing but she gave up the flat she and Soph had shared, and instead of finding her, I found some 19-year-old freshman living there stoked about starting community college a few towns over, who then proceeded to try and invite me in.
Flame clears his throat, and I stop pacing, placing my hands on my hips.
"Brother, please, please tell me you managed to find her."
Flames is our tech guru and a damn good one, as well as our road captain. Not once have we been caught with the ammo that we ride up to Wincher to the Rebel's MC; that's roughly an eight-hour round trip most times, and that's down to him and his genius mind, always mixing the runs up. It also helps that he's now solely focused on the club while trying to find his girl, our club princess Star. She's his childhood best friend, who he had been in love with for years but didn't think he was good enough for her, so he pushed her away, and now, for reasons none of us know, she left with no trace.
We don't know where she is, and Flame's dying each day inside without her. We know she's safe, though, because she's finally messaged Annalise. Annalise found out she was pregnant and fell apart. She called Star and ended up leaving her a message during her breakdown. Star rang back straight away, like the true friend she was, and calmed her down before promising to contact her once a week. Annalise had lost a baby six months ago after her biological father had kidnapped her and then beat her up; she nearly died as well and struggled with survivor guilt. Axel and us brothers have helped raise her back up, just like we helped Mel, who ended up shot by a jealous woman Dagger had left hanging for an orgasm, and how we're now helping Sophie after losing her momma.
It's what we do for family.
Flame sighs, and I curse, "No, I haven't; wherever she's working is paid in cash, and whatever flat or house she's living in is under a different name, her GPS is also switched off on her phone. Have you asked Sophie?"
I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. "Yeah, I did. She was shocked and ended up calling Leah; apparently, she handed her keys in after spending two hours deep cleaning the flat after the mess we brothers made packing up Sophie's stuff. Then I spentan hour of her reaming my ass, and Ink was forced to sleep on the sofa for two nights for mistreating her friend; he's also still not gotten laid after we tried to keep Leah from Soph after her momma passed, so he's a grumpy ass right now."
Flame's eyes widen before he mutters, "shit," and I nod my head in agreement.
He sighs, "The problem is, as much as we all love Leah and I know you more than most, she was with Razor, and she cheated on him; she used him because she wanted the patch. We can't treat her like family for that; it's part of our by-laws, just like Leslie's now realizing. Now I could log into the hospital database, which would be completely invading her privacy, but that has to be voted in church, and with her history and our loyalty to Razor, our patched brother, I don't see them agreeing, brother."
I curse again before noticing the time and running a frustrated hand through my hair. "Fuck, we've got to go; Doc will be pissed if we're late."
Flame sighs and nods. "I'm not sure what he wants to tell us that he can't tell us here."
I shrug as we both walk out of his room before he locks his door. Ginger, one of the club's sweet butts, was caught going into his room last week, apparently cleaning it, but I call bullshit; I hear the whispers; she wants his patch.
We go through the common room waving to some patched brothers and chuckling when we see Razor fucking Glitter, who, you guessed it, is obsessed with the stuff. I mean, her hair is fucking silver and full of fucking glitter. Razor turned into a man-whore after Leah cheated on him; he gave Slicer a run for his money, that's for sure, over the past five years.