Page 28 of Gunner
"What the fuck was that for? Is this about Cara? about yesterday? I didn't think you had feelings for her; us fucking last night was just a mistake, Jesus Gunner."
I give him a cold smirk, making him furrow his brows in confusion.
I give him a minute—a minute—to realize what this is really about because we both know it's not Cara.
His eyes widen.
"Look, her foster dad sold her virginity to me; it was mine to have, and-and I saw the look you two gave each other, so I took what I paid for before you could, and after well, well after, Cara wanted me to say shit, knowing you wouldn't go near Leah if she'd had hurt me because Cara, she wanted your patch, gave me a blowy for my efforts. Gunner, brother..."
Every brother in the room is tense.
"You tore, with a fucking razor—the woman I have been in love with, the woman I stayed away from because you saidshe cheated on you—you tore her insides and cut through her virginity, nearly fucking killing her, ensuring she cannot carry a baby to term without either losing it or killing her all because her foster father thought he had a right to sell a person, MY FUCKING WOMAN, MY FUCKING HEART."
I boom the last bit, and he swallows hard.
I hear the women in the room start to gasp, realizing what they put Leah through before, out of fucking nowhere, both Cammy and Annalise jump on Razor, hitting him while a wail full of agony and pain comes from my right, causing Ink to rush over to a destroyed-looking Sophie as she falls to the floor.
Axel and Dead Shot quickly grab their women while Tank drags a pleading Razor to the basement while everyone else is frozen, staring at me while I breathe deeply.
All you can hear are Sophie's wails in the quiet room.
Ink tries to calm her down: "Soph, baby, you can't, not like this."
She shoves him before she screams at him, "SHE NEEDS ME," and he quickly grabs her from behind when she tries to rush by him.
She starts to kick out, and I rush over to them before I grip her cheeks, making her look at me, her tears coating her lashes. I gently place a kiss on her forehead, causing Ink to growl, but I don't even smirk at him; instead, I rasp with absolute pain in my voice.
"Five years ago, when Leah came to interview for the job, Cara and Razor set us up. Razor clearly wanted something that wasn't his to take before I convinced her to give us a shot. Cara didn't want that and sent me out to see them in an intimate situationoutside of the bar; she told me they were in a relationship. I didn't know he was assaulting her. I-I fuck." I squeeze my eyes shut, causing her to grip my arms before I look at her again, my eyes tearing up. "I walked away, letting it happen, not realizing the truth. For years, Razor and Cara have said shit about her, and because he's a brother, and we, the new generation, didn't question it when we should have because we grew up with him and trusted him. It was our mistake, and because of that mistake, she has been mistreated by the women in the club when in reality she should have been treated like family. We failed her. I failed."
Sophie lets out a sob. "She n-needs me."
I nod. "She does, and I know she does. You both proved to all of us last week that you are both each other's anchors, but there's just one slight problem with that plan, Soph." The whole club is quiet; all you can hear are the women's sniffles: "She doesn't know, we know. Doc only told us today because he's worried about her mental state after losing your momma and then nearly losing you. He doesn't want what you went through to happen to her, so he told us, especially when we all treated her differently because of the lies we were told. He broke the law. Soph, if she really wanted to, she could report him; he could lose his job; he could be prosecuted; but more importantly, he and his old lady could lose the woman who's turned into their daughter."
She squeezes her eyes shut, and more tears fall down her cheeks before Ink lets her go, sensing she's calmer.
He goes to hug her, only for her to hug me tightly instead making his eyes soften.
"We need to help her."
She rasps, and I nod, holding her tightly.
"First, sweetheart, I have a really bad thing to do to a really bad man, and I hope you don't look at us brothers any differently for it."
She pulls back and looks me in the eyes. She knows we're not innocent men; we kill when necessary, and this is necessary.
"Make it hurt."
They're the three words she says coldly, making Ink beam with pride, and I nod before kissing her head, then turning around and heading to the basement with all my brothers following. When we enter, Tank has already gotten him into just his boxers, his arms up above his head, and chains wrapped around his wrists that are attached to the ceiling.
He instantly starts pleading when he sees me.
"Please, Gun-Gunner, please, I g-gave him ten grand for her virginity. Please, I know it-it wasn't r-right but I'd seen h-her out and a-about; I s-saw her a-around her p-parents, I-I wanted her first."