Page 57 of Gunner
I passed! Oh my god, I fucking passed!
Excitement fills me before I stand.
I need to tell Lucas. I passed, I actually passed, and with a high fricking score, oh my, I can't believe it.
I'm so excited as I move to head down the hallway that I don't notice a figure behind me before something hard hits me on the back of my head, my vision blackens before I'm caught from behind, and darkness takes hold with one thought in my mind.
My baby!
I don't know how long I've been out when I groan, my head throbbing as I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in momma Anderson's old home that the clubs doing up, ready to sell, and I swallow hard. I'm lying on the floor in the living area, and I quickly look around.
I try to sit up, my head thumping, and my vision swims.
"Well, it's about time you woke up, bitch."
My eyes widen when I look up at the sound of the voice to see Cara standing over me, smirking.
"You think I'd let you take my man; let you trap him? I don't think so whore; he's MINE!”
She shouts the last bit, and I swallow hard. I need to play this right; she's clearly gone insane, with her hazel eyes looking crazy and bloodshot.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" She cackles at her own joke before looking to her right, and I look in time to see a short, stocky man enter the living area. He grins when he sees I'm awake, his hazel eyes sparkling with lust, making my heart race.
No, not again, please.
Cara cackles again. "She's all yours, Terry," she says to him before her eyes come to mine. "Make sure the baby's dead first, though, yeah, like hell am I raising that bastard."
My eyes widen before I try to get up, but Cara punches me in the face, making me fall onto my side, only for the man, Terry, to lift his black boot and kick me hard in the stomach.
I scream before he kicks me again.
I try to cover myself and protect my baby.
Please no.
She’s partly the reason I’ll always struggle with conception and pregnancy, please don’t let her kill my baby, please.
The man kicks me for a third time when pain shoots through me and my legs begin to feel wet.
I look down to see blood.
“NOOOOO….” I scream as the door to Momma Anderson's home is booted open.
Chapter 25
I stretch my arms above my head and crick my neck from side to side.
I've just finished going over which brothers will go on the next run and sent the list to Flame.
When my phone rings, I look at it to see it's Axel.
He growls while I smirk.