Page 29 of Slicer
I hear something bang before a commotion. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" he shouts, and my father chuckles. "Fuck, damn, fucking years I've been trying to help find you for her, and all along you were right under my fucking nose. When I last spoke to her, about five months ago, I think I mentioned your club, but shesaid some woman said you weren't there." I furrow my brows while anger shows on my dad's face—a fucking jealous sweet butt, dammit. "Brother, do you know how many fucking MCs she's tried to call? Fucking thirteen. I've spoken to half, and they all felt bad because they couldn't tell her shit and none of us knew your legal name, including the Devil's earlier this year, who you've spent the most time with. Fuck."
I narrow my eyes at my mother while she drops her head in guilt for letting her mouth run. "I know. My mother thought she was bullshitting to save face."
"Wait, fuck, she finally found you?"
I smile, "Yeah, brother, yesterday, and I gotta tell yah, Lilah Rose, my daughter is fucking perfect."
My mother's head shoots up when hearing my daughter's middle name; Dad obviously didn't tell her that bit.
Someone shouts Steel's name, and he clears his throat. "I'm fucking pleased for you, brother, but mostly for her. She's tried for so long to find you, and now I can call the men off to stop searching. Tell Meg I'll call her next week. Alright, brother, I've got to go talk soon." I say bye, and we both hang up.
I look at my right hand and start talking without looking up.
"Those nine hours I spent with Meghan were the best hours of my life. I fell in love during those hours. We spoke about nearly everything, and when I told her the reason behind my rose tattoo," I looked up into my mother's eyes. "I told her about my mother and how I got the tattoo to honor her, despite her hating that I have tattoos in the first place." My mother lets out a sob. "She told me all about her grandmother, whom she adored but had lost two years prior; her name was Lilah. She named our daughter after the two most important women in our lives, so you have no right mother to sit there and judge and accuse her ofsomething she didn't even do. Did I fuck around over the years? Yeah, I did, and each and every time I fucked someone else, I felt dirty; I felt like I was cheating, but I just needed that one hour, one fucking hour where I'm not dying on the inside because she wasn't with me."
My father grabs a hold of my mother's hand while she rasps, "If you felt that way, then why did you not swap numbers before you left?"
It's a good fucking question, one I need answers to, and only one person can answer them: "I don't know mom. When I woke up the next morning, she was gone. Only Meghan can answer that question, and tomorrow I will find out, but for now, not one word to your daughter about this, and I mean it." She goes to protest, and I point at her, "You tell her mother, and you won't get to meet your granddaughter who has your name."
Her eyes widen before she nods frantically, agreeing with me, and my dad nods in agreement too.
We don't need my sister's fucking drama.
I pick my phone up off my desk and unlock it before handing it to my dad. He furrows his brows before a big smile shines on his face, making my mother look, who instantly bursts into tears. "She's the spitting i-image of y-you.”
I nod my head.
The picture Mel sent me was from yesterday, with both my girls smiling wide at the camera on the dance floor. Meghan is crouched down, her head leaning over our daughter's shoulder, whose right hand is holding her mother's cheek, her hazel eyes shining with happiness.
It's fucking beautiful.
My dad hands me my phone back, and I give him a grateful small smile as he grabs my inconsolable mother's hand, leading her out of my office, knowing I need space.
As soon as the doors shut, I drop my head to my hands again, looking at the picture.
My tears fall.
I'm clutching my beer in my hand as I watch Meghan sit with our daughter just on the other side of the round table we're sitting on with the bride and groom. She's smiling down at me, trying not to look my way, but she keeps failing. I don't move my eyes from her, though; I can't.
For five years, I've searched for her, and here she is, within reach.
I've already noticed our daughter is a bit of a prankster. She put some tomato sauce in Dagger's drink, which he then proceeded to nearly spit out while everyone laughed their asses off except for Meghan, who looked mortified. Mel had given my daughter a high five, and Meghan had scolded her friend not to encourage her. Apparently, she’d gone to dry her hair this morning, and nothing but flour came out of the dryer. She had to have another shower; it was why she was later than the other bridesmaids. The table found it funny, and Lilah lapped it up.
She's fucking awesome.
I take a swig of my drink as Axel dings his bottle, standing up. "Alright ladies, gents, brothers, and cute kids." Everyone chuckles, and he grins. "Time for speeches, Meg, darling, you're up."
I grind my teeth to stop growling. He looks at me and tilts his head, but I subtly shake mine. I know he's seen the resemblance, but I can't talk about it right now. My fucking head is everywhere, and Clitter is not helping the situation by trying to keep sidling up to me every time I move towards the bar.
Meghan already thinks we're a couple when we're not.
Meghan stands and our daughter grins up at her when she bops her nose. She clears her throat. "Okay, I'm not very good at speeches, but I'll give it a go," she says, looking at her friend, who smiles wide at her. "I met Melanie on my first day at the hospital; she was probably the only nice nurse there." Everyone chuckles while Mel bats her eyelashes, making me shake my head. "I was so nervous that day, but she helped calm me, showed me around the hospital, and told me about the green paint I had in my hair while everyone else looked at me like I was a freak." She pointedly mock-glared at Lilah, who grinned sheepishly while everyone laughed—see prankster.
"And we've been inseparable since,"
Doc shouts out, "I can contest that; those two together are a nightmare to work with," making both women scowl at him as everyone chuckles again while Doc grins wide at them.
Meghan shakes her head, looking back at her friend. "Mel became my friend, my confidant, my savior, my sister, and an aunt to my daughter. She became my family, and when she told me about this badass biker,"