Page 42 of Slicer
The woman listens, breathing hard, while the woman who hit me glares at them. Lilah wails in my legs, and I quickly pick her up before she clings to me like a spider monkey. I look at the men, and I glare at them hard for not stopping this, for listening to the woman's lies, and for allowing her to put my daughter at risk.
I shake my head and go to leave. I don't want my daughter anywhere near these people; if Noah wants access, he can do it at mine or the park because fuck this shit!
Just as I go to turn around the woman who pulled her look-alike—aside from the eyes, she has hazel like Noah's—from the woman who attacked me, she shouts, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE."
My daughter grips me tighter, and I go to move again until the woman with blue eyes points to me. "That woman right there, Mazie, is Meghan, as in the Meghan who your brother has been trying to find for five years," the men flinch. I know they all saw our reunion; Noah told me Axel live-streamed it, yet they decided to believe a woman who gave them head when she spoke crap. "That little girl in her arms is your niece, Lilah Rose. That sweet butt bitch just attacked Meghan because your brother has finally got his girl back, and when your niece ran into her mother's legs, the bitch still went to hit her again, all while these pathetic excuses for men stood back and watched, all because Clitter sucked them off."
The men flinch again while the woman Mazie turns slowly to the other woman, Clitter, her face like thunder before she pounces, knocking them both to the ground, and I can't do this anymore.I look at the men one more time and shake my head at them, making them flinch again before I head for the backdoor, taking my girl to our car, and then back home. I won't have this kind of behavior around her.
Just as we get to the backdoor, I hear a boom.
The men who went into the meeting rushed out. I make eye contact with Noah, and he instantly freezes when he sees I'm near the door with a still-wailing Lilah in my arms and my lip bleeding. He goes to rush towards me, but I shake my head at him, making him furrow his brows as a few men break up the catfight.
Axel points at the other brothers and says, "Please fucking tell me you bastards did not just sit here and let this happen with children around."
They all shift while Noah hasn't taken his eyes off me and his daughter. I know he sees the decision in my eyes; I know he can see we're not going to happen that his brothers and that woman have made my mind up; this isn't a life I want for me or for my child.
She won't be coming to this property again, and neither will I.
Mel slides up next to me, placing her arm around me while her husband watches. His eyes fire with burning rage before he shouts, "WHO THE FUCK MADE MEGHAN'S LIP BLEED AND FOR LILAH TO WAIL LIKE THAT?"
The brothers all look down while the women breathe hard as Sophie speaks up, anger in her eyes, with Leah holding her back. "Meghan was on her way to sit next to us and her gorgeous girl when Clitter grabbed a hold of her arm, digging her nails inand scratching her." The men all look at my arms, and they are tense while Sophie continues glaring at the woman she saw as a friend. I heard the stories: Clitter helped her during the time her mother committed suicide, but she also got between her and Leah. " The brothers went to intervene until Clitter told them Slicer had claimed her." Noah glares at the brothers for believing her bullshit. "Clitter then proceeded to punch Meg in the face, knocking her over."
Noah's sister steps forward and points at Clitter: "That bitch went to hit my future sister-in-law again with my niece wrapped around her mother's legs, screaming and crying after witnessing her mother being assaulted all while these so-called fucking brothers sat back and allowed it to happen."
Axel steps forward, anger etching his features, while Mazie continues.
"I walked in to see Mom attacking the bitch and pulled her off until she told me what had happened, and I attacked her. She could have fucking hurt MY NIECE.” Mazie goes for Clitter again, landing a punch, while her mother goes for the brothers who didn’t help.
I go to leave, but Mel grips my shoulders, her eyes pleading with me to stay. I shake my head until familiar words ring out from Clitter, words I heard only a year before.
"The club's full of available women for these men; we don't need anymore; she’s just a patch chaser after my man. That child isn’t even his.”
Chapter 17
I grin as I take a seat near Gunner in church.
Last night, I finally got my fucking girl back, and it feels like I'm on top of the world. Dagger grins at me and says, "You look happy and relaxed today."
My grin goes wider while the brothers chuckle before Axel bangs the gavel.
"Alright, fuckers, church is in session. We didn't get to go over the businesses yesterday, so let's start with Ink before we all start to argue over whose Lilah's favorite uncle is."
We all laugh as Ink nods, "Business is booming; last monthly charters show an increase of 18% this month, and considering I'm the one who tattooed her name on her daddy's neck, I'll be her favorite in no time."
Axel nods with a grin while the rest of the brothers pull their middle fingers towards him. Axel then looks towards me and asks, "The bar?"
I grin and say, "Packed every night, and sorry brothers, no one will go above me; you know, seems as though I am her daddy."
He grins while the table laughs before he goes to speak about Untamed Girls, our strip club, when we hear a screech coming from the common room. We all look at each other when more screaming and shouting enters the room. It echoes loudly whenShane opens the door and shouts, "FUCK PRES, WE NEED YOU," just as Lilah's wails echo through the room.
We all stand and rush out of the room into chaos.
My sister is punching Clitter in the face while Trigger holds my mother back from going after the brothers, who all look guilty as fuck, but that's not what makes me freeze; no, it's the sight of my woman, whose lip is fucking bleeding, clutching a wailing Lilah in her arms, heading towards the backdoor. I don't take my eyes off her as Axel shouts, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON," causing Meghan to freeze, and I go to rush over to my girls, but Meghan shakes her head at me, freezing me in my spot, and panic enters my whole fucking body at the cold look in her beautiful blue eyes.