Page 55 of Slicer
My mother smiles gently at him, like she isn't trying to take my daughter away, and my rage starts to take over as I lift the gun and click the safety off. Everybody freezes at hearing the sound before slowly looking towards me.
I give them a smile as they all go white.
"Mother dearest, didn't I tell you I'd be your worst nightmare if you went near my daughter?"
The men stay frozen while she clears her throat. "Now, darling..."
She stops her sentence when I place the gun at her head, her eyes widening.
"Did you really think I'd allow you disgusting people to take my daughter?"
She swallows again. "It's her birthright, Meghan, as it was yours. You rebelled; we're not going to let you bring her up anyway than our way. We allowed you to keep her...”
She jumps before swallowing again.
"Tell me, mother, how did you expect to overcome her father's signature on those papers?"
She furrows her brows while my father snaps out of his stupor. "Her father is not on the birth certificate. Cindy has ensured you both couldn't find each other, and as payment, she became my mistress."
I gag; I can't help it. I mean, I'm not surprised, but still, I can't help the gag.
My father narrows his eyes while I put my hand up. "That is probably the grossest thing I've ever heard. I mean, you fucking her is absolutely disgusting, but not completely surprising, but knowing you've got the clap."
I shudder while my mother tilts her head.
"What are you talking about?"
I gag again, "I'm talking about everyone knowing Cindy had Chlamydia. She had it before I left. Her one-night stand nearly choked her for giving it to him at the back of the diner. "He's actually a really nice guy, though; he's the VP for the Rebels around here."
My father's face pales, while my mother looks like she's about to be sick, making me grin because, well, Karma is a bitch.
Mr. Alberto snaps out of it and says, "Right, listen here, young lady; the contract is already drawn up; we have a copy of herbirth certificate here from public records. Now you can either sign them yourself or your mother will. No one will believe you when you try to make claims against us. You know this."
I just smirked and said, "Again, it doesn't answer my question about her father, considering you don't even know his signature."
My father's brows furrow. "Your lying isn't going to get you out of this; you owe Abram after you got yourself pregnant like a slut."
I just grin wider and say, "Check the certificate, Father."
They all look and instantly start to curse while I move the gun to my father's shin before I sneer, "For your information, Father, I've only ever had one man touch me, so I don't see how I can be a slut, unlike the men in this cult."
Then I shoot him in the shin, causing my mother to scream as my father collapses on the floor, blood pouring from him while he gasps in pain.
I turn my head to Abram next, who instantly flinches at the coldness in my eyes.
This filthy mother fucker wanted my daughter.
My four-year-old daughter
I don't think so.
I point the gun at him next, making him take a step back before my mother's wails catch my attention. She's lovingly stroking my father's face all while he scowls at me, and I tilt my head again.
"Tell me, mother, when you were forced to become his wife, did you love him instantly or did you learn to put up with the lifestyle chosen for you?"
She sneers at me, hatred in her eyes. "I wanted him before he even chose me, you little bitch. We should have sold you when you were five, like I wanted, instead of listening to my mother."