Page 61 of Slicer
I just chuckled, "And yet you wanted MY woman as your mistress; your son wanted MY four-year-old daughter as his wife."
He swallows hard, sweat dripping down his face. "We were-were going to-to wait until she-she was ten."
Wrong mother fucking thing to say.
My anger takes hold before he cries out as I dig the tip of the knife in, slowly dragging it across his forehead, going down his temple, then veering off, slicing his ear off. He screams louder before I place the gag back into his mouth that Ink took out. I tilt my head at him and grin wider, seeing the fear, before Stone walks over with, well, a sharp stone in his hand and rams it into the guy's eye.
His screams are muffled by the gag.
Each brother has a go at torture ensuring to leave him alive for me. He's dripping with blood, most of it pouring from his gut when Dagger stabbed him after Ink tattooed Molester on his chest. I look at him and just smile as he sleeps after passing out. I hold my hand out, and Jizz grins, placing salt in my palm, which I slap onto the fucker's torn and sliced skin, making him groan and jolt awake.
"wakey-wakey sunshine."
He flinches at the sound of my voice when Stone steps up next to me. "We have an hour to complete this and clean up before the feds come and get those two fuckers. Steel said they'll be spending life behind bars as well as the rest of their 'community.' A raid is on the way."
I look to my left to see Meghan's parents watching on in horror.
I give them a wink, and they both flinch, making the men chuckle before I look back at the old bastard when he tries to speak.
"P-please, ha-have mercy."
I nod before I stab my knife into his neck. He starts to choke on his own blood as his eyes widen in shock while I rasp, "You don't deserve mercy when you tried to buy my girls. You deserve to suffer, and what better way of choking on your own blood?"
He coughs, blood comes out of his mouth, and I don't break eye contact. I watch the light dim from his eyes as he dies slowly before me, all while Meghan's parents sob, and I just smile, happy to get the revenge for my girl that she deserves.
I sigh, rubbing a hand down my face.
When I got to the Jeep, Lilah was clinging to her momma while her momma sat in the backseat, back straight, her eyes vacant, which is how she’s been since except for when she had a panic attack.
Fuck, I want my girl back. I fucking miss her, and it's only been a few days.
Sighing again, I take a sip of my beer when Ginger slides up beside me and clears her throat.
"Do you, uh, know when Flame will be back from club business? I have a computer problem unless you can tell me where he is?"
I hold in my snort, but my eyes still roll. Computer problems, my ass; she's been making that shit up for months just to get him in her room. Before Star ran, Flame would give in and fuck her, but now he takes a look at her computer and then leaves her room, leaving her fuming.
Shaking my head, I take another sip of my beer and say, "Nah, sorry, Ginger."
She huffs and stomps away while I smile.
I'm probably not the first brother she's asked, and I won't be the last. Only us officers know where Flame is,and that's how it's going to stay until he can convince our club princess to return to us.
Fucking stubborn woman.
I'm about to take another sip of my drink when Ginger comes back, and I sigh when she starts to wine. "Look, I know you know where he is; I really need to talk to him; it's personnel."
I just chuckled and said, "Ginger, if you're trying to make a false claim about being pregnant, then you can go pack your fucking bags. We all know Flame hasn't touched you since Star left nearly a year ago.
She swallows hard and nods before turning around again and leaving.
I shake my head and get my phone out, sending a mass message to the officers.
Me- Ginger tried to make out she had a 'personnel' thing to talk with Flame about after asking me if I knew where he was and when he was coming home.
I place my phone down before it starts lightening up with texts, starting with our Pres.
Axel – fuck, which brothers have fucked her recently that could have knocked her up?