Page 27 of Flame
Star's voice echoes through, "Is she okay?"
I slowly close my eyes and sigh, finally content to hear her voice after so long, her voicemail not fucking counting. "Her placenta has detached a little. She'll be on bed rest for a while, but she and the baby are okay; the heartbeat was strong."
Star let out a little sob, making me squeeze his eyes shut, hating the sound of her tears as I rasp, "Talk to me, Firefly, please."
She sniffles, “I-I can't."
"Please, Star, I miss you. I miss my best friend. Please. I love you."Please, baby, just give me a chance.Silently, I beg.
I squeeze my eyes shut as she lets out another sob before she rasps, "Just not enough," and then hangs up, making me sob. Slicer grips my neck, pulling me over and hugging me tightly, while Gunner rasps, "As hard as that was, brother, she rang you. She could have called me, but she didn't; her first thought was to call you." I look at him, my eyes widening in realization.
"I'm still her person."
He nods as well as Slicer, who squeezes my neck, making me look at him and say, "You're still her person, Zayne." He uses my given name, so it sticks in my head. I'm still her fucking person.
"She still loves you, brother; she's getting weaker being away from you; she's starting to cave, and when she does, fucking hold onto her."
I turn to look at Gunner with his words, and I nod with determination. She still fucking loves me.
I squeeze my phone as Gunner looks back at his girl, who is still out of it, before looking back at Slicer.
"What did you find on Hairy, brother?"
Slicer sighs, and I look at him as he runs his fingers through his brown hair, his hazel eyes showing frustration and anger.
"Some woman he fucked said he knocked her up, then bailed on her after slipping the plan B in her drink."
My mouth drops open. What the actual fuck?
He nods, "Yeah, I was on his trail for about a month before 'someone' tipped him off, and he fell off the radar again. Other clubs affiliated with ours and Snakes are keeping an ear to the ground, and we should hear something more in the next few weeks; he can't stay underground for long. Axel said it'll be me going again with Snake but also with Tank as well as my dad."
I sigh. "There must be someone else helping him from one of our clubs." It can't have just been Razor; he's not that fucking smart, and he's been locked up for two weeks before we ended him.
Gunner nods. "That's what I thought, but the question is, fucking who? Razor's gone, so who fucking else would betray us?"
"I honestly don't know, brother, but leaving for months at a time is fucking exhausting." I half smile at Slicer's words before Leah rasps, making us all look at her with relief while chuckling a little at her words.
"You men swear too much."
Her hand clutches her stomach, and Gunner smiles at her. "The baby's got a good, strong heartbeat."
She sighs in relief as Slicer and I stand, wanting to give them privacy now that we know she's awake. She does a double take seeing Slicer, and I grin alongside him.
"Good to see you, sweetheart."
She smiles at him as he kisses her head, and I follow suit while Gunner growls, making us chuckle as we leave. We shut the door behind us, and I patted Slicer's back, heading to my room, not wanting to go home tonight with Star on my mind.
I'm still her person.
I get to my door and see Ginger. She saunters over to me with a sly smile only in a thong, nothing else, and I roll my eyes and walk past her, making her gasp in shock. I unlock and open my door before slamming it shut, locking it for good measure right before the handle wiggles, making me roll my eyes again. She screeches in outrage, but I ignore her and sit on my bed, looking at the picture on the table of Star sitting on the grass in the club's gardens. Her hair is down, her head tilted back, and her eyes closed, while her jean-covered legs are crossed. It was taken before Annie was kidnapped. I'm sitting next to her, leaning onmy elbow, my eyes firmly on her. I grab my phone and call her number.
It goes to voicemail again, and I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the beep.
I sniffle. "I was the one who left you 730 lilac roses for graduation after you kissed me. One for every day I realized I loved you."
I hang up and wipe my cheeks from the tears that have fallen before I ring her number again, waiting for the beep.
"I miss you Firefly, more than words can explain. I still love you always."