Page 20 of Give Me More: Vol. 1
Stellan slid his hands down and around until he cupped her ass. Giving the mounds a hard squeeze sent her head reeling.Smack!A startled cry left her as his palm connected with her bottom and left a resounding burn in its wake.
“Oh my God. Yes, I want more.” As soon as the words left her, she knew it was a mistake. This situation could only end in downfall.
“Say it again,querida.”
Dietrich growled out, “Answer us.” He bit down on the tender flesh of her neck, and she cried out in pleasure/pain.
“Yes! I want everything you have to give.”
The trip back to the villa seemed to take an eternity, especially when Stellan and Dietrich refused to touch her or give her any kind of relief. They had started a fire inside of her and refused stoke it.
Once they reached the villa, Dietrich led the way inside with Stellan trailing behind her. The reality and uncertainty of the situation hit her like a sledgehammer. What she wouldn’t give for something strong to drink.
Maybe then her nerves would calm the hell down, and she’d be able to think clearly.
“Come on.” Dietrich held his hand out, and she found herself slipping hers into his offered one without hesitation.
He took her into the living room and slipped behind the bar. Stellan placed his hands on her shoulders and started a slow massage. She didn’t want to be a mood killer, especially since she was going crazy with lust, but things needed to be sorted out before they went any further.
They might not need to worry about the repercussions of their actions, but she needed her job, and the worry about what they were clearly going to do and how this would affect things weighed heavily on her.
Stellan whispered against her ear, “You’re thinking too hard,querida.”
“I’m just…” She closed her eyes and breathed out.
“Scared, baby?” Dietrich’s words had her opening her eyes and looking at him from across the bar.
She whispered, “Yes.”
His hold was firm on her, just like Stellan’s had been. “What are you afraid of?” His gaze was unwavering.
“Of everything.”
Dietrich watched the emotions that played across Blythe’s face. He lifted his gaze and looked over her shoulder at Stellan. The images of watching his sub taking her mouth had been intoxicating.
Before Dietrich and Stellan had become serious, he had seen his sub dominate other women. The fact Stellan was a switch turned him on to a point, but for Dietrich, he was the Dom when it came to his partners. Now, bringing Blythe into the equation changed the dynamics.
She might not yet know how much they wanted her to be a part of their relationship, but she would very soon.
Being a businessman, Dietrich went with his gut instincts on everything. It had been those key instincts that made him one of the wealthiest men in the world and never failed him. Right now, they were screaming at him that Blythe was something that needed to be added into their relationship.
He was getting too old to fuck around and having things solid with Stellan told him they both needed more. Fortunately, Stellan was on the same page.
“Baby.” He smoothed his thumb across her cheek.
Her fears were understandable but unjustified. It had always been a rule for Dietrich not to mix business with pleasure, and the only reason he was willing to break that rule was because her job with his company was only temporary, and he just didn’t give a fuck.
He wanted her badly and was willing to break every one of his damn rules to ensure she was theirs. She only had a little bit more time with him, an upsetting conclusion, but certainly not the end of them if he had anything to do with it. He got what he wanted, no matter what.
He wasn’t called “The Bear” for his gentle demeanor.
“You’re making it more complicated than it is. We want you. You want us. It’s as simple as that.” He let his words sink in and gradually saw her fear and unease drift away. “All you have to do is say yes.”
“Yes, but it’s so strange because you two are in a relationship.” The emotions that flittered across her face had him smiling.