Page 37 of Give Me More: Vol. 1
“Querida, what are you talking about?” Stellan took a step forward but didn’t touch her. This scenario was not what she planned, but they were here so she might as well tell them.
Then everything could be put to rest and she could move on with her life.
“I heard you two talking the day before we left.” At their puzzled looks, she continued. “I heard what you said about me.” Dietrich’s brows dipped low.
He looked at Stellan, who held a similar look. When he brought his gaze back to hers, realization dawned on his face.
“You don’t have to worry about me making a scandal within the company.” Her hands shook, so she clasped them together. “And you don’t have to worry about my feelings for the two of you. I won’t come between you.”
The sound of her heart beating was deafening, and she wondered if they could hear it.
“You heard us when we were at the villa?”
“Yes. I know you have no feelings for me, and I’m okay with that.”You damn liar.Dietrich looked at Stellan again, then in the blink of an eye grabbed the side of her face, tilted her head back so she was forced to look at him, and slanted his mouth down on hers.
For a moment, all she could do was stare at him with wide eyes, but when he started working his mouth on hers then slipped his tongue along her bottom lip, she let herself accept his touch.
He used his body to press hers further against the door. The kiss was deep and possessive, and before she lost her mind in it, she broke the kiss and gasped for air.
“What are you doing?” Lips tingling and pulse racing, she stared up at him.
“I’m taking what’s mine, baby.” He kissed her again, dipping his tongue as far into her mouth as he could and staking his claim.
Tightening his hold on her body, he turned her around until she felt Stellan’s hard chest press against her back.
Stellan breathed hard against her neck and thrust his hips forward so she could feel his erection. “We weren’t talking about you but of Angelina Santina of Santina Hotels,querida.” His lips coasted along the side of her neck.
All the while, Dietrich continued to kiss her passionately, not giving her a chance to break away and take a deep breath.
She had heard wrong? Thinking back to that day, she realized she hadn’t actually heard them say her name. Had she jumped to conclusions? Dietrich pulled away and ran his tongue along first her upper lip then her lower one.
“I feel like a fool for what I thought I heard, then my reaction to it.” Their looks were tender and understanding. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions when I should have just spoken to you two about everything.”
“Blythe, it’s okay. We’re here now, and the truth is out. We can all move on.” Leave it to Stellan to be gentle and understanding and make everything seem like it would be okay.
“You think too much. It takes away from the moment.” Dietrich smiled down at her, and her heart skipped a beat. He didn’t say anything else on the subject, but that was okay with her.
All she wanted was to enjoy this moment. Stellan continued to kiss and nip at her flesh, and she had to force herself to keep her mind clear and her knees from buckling.
“Contrary to what you thought, Stellan and I wanted to talk to you about our relationship.”
He brushed his thumb along her cheek and searched her face with his eyes. “Yeah, baby,ourrelationship. You are everything we want, what we have been looking for. We want you with us.”
“I—What?” She took a step to the side and gripped the edge of the couch. Looking between both of them told her absolutely nothing because, dammit, they held their emotions in check.
“Querida, when something this right happens between individuals, you don’t question it.” He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed the top of her head. “If you’ll have us, we want you really fucking badly, sweetheart.”
Blythe let his words sink in. They wanted her.
“This is happening so fast.”
Stellan moved close to her again and cupped her cheeks with his big palms. “Some of the best things in life happen quickly.”
“Yeah? Name one.” She smiled up at him then turned and looked at Dietrich. He had taken the few steps forward so he stood beside Stellan.
“You, Blythe. You’re one of the best things in life that happens too quickly.”