Page 64 of Give Me More: Vol. 1
It was just heartbreaking that it had come during a time like this.
But despite what Tallin said, and the explanation he and Riley had talked, that they were okay with the other being with her, would Riley still be upset that she’d slept with Tallin?
In truth, she would have slept with Riley that one day, but the sound of Tallin on the snowmobile had halted their advancement.
She sat up and made her way to the bathroom. A hot bath would go a long way in easing her muscles, maybe even clearing her mind. One she was bathed, dried off, and dressed she headed downstairs.
Her heart was pounding frantically at the thought of speaking to both of them together, of hearing what they might say. The very idea of seeing Tallin after what they had done made her nervous, too.
At the bottom of the stairs, she stopped and took a deep, calming breath before proceeding forward. She stood in the doorway of the kitchen, the smell of eggs and sausage making her mouth water and her stomach grumble.
Riley sat at the table, coffee mug in hand, his attention on the newspaper in front of him.
“You got the paper so the roads must be all clear.” She was trying to make small talk, to ease her way into this. Should she talk about it all now, or wait for Tallin?
Riley didn’t answer right away, so she grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and poured herself some orange juice. She glanced at Riley, realizing he still hadn’t responded.
He did watch her though, his throat working as he swallowed, seeming loud in the silence that had filled the room.
“Yeah, roads are all clear, although the news is calling for another storm tonight.”
“Really?” Her voice cracked slightly at the way he watched her.
Riley pushed a plateful of food her way. “I’m sure we’ll see plenty of them before winter is up.”
She nodded and took the plate of food. “Thanks.” She grabbed her fork and brought some eggs to her mouth, the utensil in midair as she realized Riley still regarded her. “What?” Her nerves made her believe he knew what she’d done last night, maybe even that he was upset or hurt.
You should just talk about it, and tell him everything.
Of course she trusted Tallin with her life, and knew if he’d said he’d spoken with Riley about this, about everything, and he was okay with it, encouraged it even, that he told the truth.
Her face became warm as images of her and Tallin flickered through her mind. Riley turned his attention back at the paper, taking another long drink, his hand gripping the mug so tightly that his knuckles were white.
She ate the food on her fork, her hand shaking as her emotions were playing havoc in her.
“Tallin went into town. He won’t be back for several hours.”
“Did you sleep well last night?” he asked genuinely. He glanced up from his paper, his face no longer hard. He leaned back in his seat with one arm outstretched on the table, his whole demeanor relaxed, loving.
She chewed slowly, and then swallowed, knowing he had to know about last night because he was acting a little too curious with her right now. “I slept fine, and you?” She took a drink of her orange juice, seeing a little smile play across his lips. She set her fork down and stared at him.
He shook his head. “I tossed and turned all night.”
She swallowed at Riley’s tone.
He leaned forward. “I was thinking of you all night.”
Her pulse jumped. “You were?”
He only nodded. “Were you thinking about me?”
Her heart jumped into her throat. “I was,” she whispered, being honest.
“I was hoping you were going to come to my room last night, finish what we’d started. I missed you.”
Her cheeks heated, and she knew he noticed. “Believe me, I wanted to…”But Tallin came to my room.She cleared her throat and took another drink.