Page 97 of Give Me More: Vol. 1
I couldn’t help but grin. “Get it, Theresa,” I said, and Sofie laughed, which in turn had me chuckling. “I bet he’s younger.”
Sofie looked over at me. “You think?”
I nodded.
She shook her head. “No way. She’d want an older guy, more secure with his life after the shit she went through with my dad.”
“Maybe, or maybe she wants a young buck who can keep up with her newfound insatiable appetite.”
“Oh my God, Ryker.” She was in a fit of laughter, and I loved hearing it. “You may regret agreeing to get together if that’s how it goes down. I’m not about my mom and her PDA.”
I tightened my hold on her arm and leaned down to kiss her on the top of her head. “Either way, I’m glad she found someone. She deserves it.”
“Yeah, she does.”
We lay there in silence, and I sensed Sofie start to drift off to sleep. But I was wide awake, which was perfect, because nothing sounded better than holding her the entire night and not missing a minute with her in my arms.
Chapter Ten
Ishut the front door with my foot, juggling three bags in my arms, and walked into the kitchen to set them on the counter. I’d stopped at the grocery store after work. The closer it got to the dinner—which although was still a few weeks away, seemed like it was right around the corner—I realized I was becoming increasingly nervous the more I thought about it.
Thankfully, my roommate told me she’d be gone for that evening, so I’d have the house to myself when everyone came over, and hopefully shit didn’t hit the fan. Obviously my mom had met Ryker before, since we’d grown up together, but it was her first time meeting Jareth. And it would be nice having everyone in the same house, under the same roof—although I still had to ask Jareth.
I started putting things in the fridge but froze when I heard banging coming from down the hall. I straightened, my arm braced on the door of the fridge as I lifted my head and stared at where the bedrooms were.
And there was silence once more, so I started putting the rest of the food away, about to shut the fridge door, when I heard a very distinct, very loud moan.
“Oh my God,” I said under my breath and quickly put the last box in the cupboard before folding up the paper bags and putting them off to the side.
I walked out of the kitchen and peeked down the hallway to my roommate’s closed bedroom door, hearing another set of moans come through. The banging, coming from what I now knew was the headboard hitting the wall, was loud and powerful, and I felt my eyebrows lift in surprise.
But then everything went silent, a little too quiet, and I straightened, wondering if that was it, if they were done. I was just about to head back into the kitchen and grab the wine coolers I’d bought, when her bedroom door opened and out walked a very naked man.
“Um,” I said softly and looked away before I could see anything of importance. Embarrassment and definite discomfort filled me.
“Oh hey,” Mr. Naked said. “You must be the roommate.” His voice sounded like the stereotypical surfer boy type. “Sofie?”
I nodded but still wasn’t looking at him. If this wasn’t the most awkward thing to ever happen.
“Lane, get your sweet ass back in here and finish what you started,” my roommate called out. “And sorry about this, Sofie. We thought we’d be done and gone before you got home.”
I lifted my hand and waved it away, as if she could see me. “Yeah, I’m just gonna grab my drinks and head out to the deck to give you guys… privacy.” I went back into the kitchen, grabbed the six-pack out of the fridge, and headed out back to the deck.
Once the back door was shut, I exhaled slowly and shook my head. You’d think having a roommate would mean more run-ins with half-naked men, but this was the first time I’d “caught” her in the act. And she’d never seen me with Jareth or Ryker, since I stayed with them it was at their places.
But now I really felt like I was intruding on her space. Getting my own place was sounding better and better, but with time still on our lease, and me not wanting to fuck her over by leaving, I’d stick it out for the remaining months. I’d given her enough notice that I’d be finding my own place once the lease was up, but looking for an apartment felt stressful and tedious.
Maybe I could convince Jareth and Ryker that we should all move in together?
I snorted at that thought.
I put the six-pack on the small wicker table and sat down, leaning all the way back and staring at the fence that surrounded our tiny as hell, postage stamp back yard. Although I didn’t technically live in the city, I was only about ten minutes outside of where the skyscrapers were. The tiny house we rented was in this small allotment, the place really only big enough for one person, given the square footage, but we made it work.
Besides, even with my salary, actually living in the city was a little out of my price range, at least for everything I’d seen for sale or rent.