Page 14 of Mafia and Protector
It was the morning of the wedding. The last few weeks had flown past in a fog of tears and terror.
Before I started to get ready, my mother came into my bedroom and shut the door behind her. “Jessica, I don’t need to tell you about what will happen tonight in the bedroom. Given that you have already given your virtue away, you are well aware of what will happen.”
My face reddened and I swallowed the lump in my throat. “What about Rafael needing to confirm tomorrow morning that I was a virgin for him?” I whispered.
“Emanuel will have spoken to Rafael to inform him that you were indeed a virgin, so you do not need to concern yourself with that. You need to concentrate today on looking like the happy bride.”
So, I would have to put on an act.
She fixed me with her stare. “Do not let down your father or me. We have been very disappointed in you over the last few weeks, but today is your chance to redeem yourself in our eyes.”
She walked out of my room then, and I let the tears slowly fall down my cheeks.
When it was time to leave for the church, Jacob came to escort me down to the waiting car. “Don’t worry, Jess. We’ve got soldiers in other vehicles following the bridal car and more soldiers guarding the church and reception venue.”
“Thanks, Jake,” I replied as he squeezed my hand.
“I’ve overseen all the security arrangements myself. You will be completely safe—today will be nothing like Juliana’s wedding day. I won’t let you down in the same way.”
I nodded as Jacob spoke. However, deep down, I knew that nothing and no one could protect me from the Santinos.
It was the morning of the wedding, and I was getting dressed in my tuxedo for the ceremony. Gabriel came into my bedroom with our two other siblings, Natanael and Nancia.
Gabriel was the oldest at twenty-six years old, while I was just a year younger than him at twenty-five. Our youngest two siblings, Nate and Nancia, were twins and were only fourteen years old.
I noticed, as always, the similarities between my siblings. We all had dark blond hair, although the shade varied, with the twins having more bronze tones in their hair. We also shared the same dark blue eyes.
“For Christ’s sake, are you still not dressed?” I asked Gabriel, seeing that he wasn’t wearing his tuxedo and instead was still in his black business suit. He was a workaholic and I was surprised he’d actually taken time off today to attend my wedding.
“There’s plenty of time. Relax, you’re just getting pre-wedding jitters.”
“As if,” I chuckled.
“I don’t see why I have to go to this wedding,” complained Nate in his languid drawl as he tugged at the tight collar of his shirt.
“I’ve only got two brothers, you and Gabriel, so who else would I want to be by my side today?”
“It’s not as though it’s a special day,” commented Nate. “You’re just marrying that girl because you were ordered to.”
“Wow, you’re such a romantic,” Nancia told her twin.
“I’m a boy—I’m not supposed to be romantic. Only girls are into all that mushy stuff.”
“Even if you’re not looking forward to it, I definitely am. This is the first time that I’m going to be a bridesmaid and I love my dress.” Nancia smoothed down the skirt of her dress. “I can’t wait until I get married one day,” she said in a wistful voice.
“No one is going to want to marry you,” shot back Nate.
I looked at Nancia’s gold bridesmaid’s dress with its garish color and plethora of frills and embellishments. It was a bit much, so I could see why a young girl like my sister might like it, but it seemed that Jessica had a thing with gold. First there were those gold shoes and now these gold bridesmaids’ dresses.
I just hoped that the wedding dress wasn’t going to be gold too. Mrs. Bonardi struck me as the traditional sort, so hopefully Jessica would go with the standard white dress to emphasize her virginity and pureness.
In response to Nate’s insult, Nancia grabbed my bowtie from the bed and tried to swipe her twin with it as he dodged out of her way.
“Guys, seriously, I’m trying to get ready here,” I said to my younger siblings.