Page 7 of Mafia and Protector
As I ran to the door, I cried out as I felt a searing pain tear through my scalp. He caught me by my hair and yanked me back toward his body.
“Scream all you like. There’s nobody here that will help you. How do you think I got in here in the first place? Why do you think the doctor hasn’t come back?”
I floundered as I tried to make sense of what he was telling me.
“They’ve all been paid off, so I can do whatever I want in here, no matter how much you scream out.”
I felt my heart stutter. “Please, no…”
I attempted to fight out of his hold while at the same time my clammy hands tried to keep hold of the sheet around me.
He just laughed harshly at my attempts and while he restrained me with one hand, his other hand ripped the sheet away from me.
I screamed out again.
But he was right—nobody came to help me.
He pushed me back hard against the examination table, pain shooting through me as my body hit it at an unnatural angle. He pinned me to the table with his body on top of mine. I tried to fight him and gouged my fingernails down his cheek.
He seemed to hardly feel it. “You should know that it turns me on when a girl fights me during sex,” he hissed.
I could feel the terror and panic taking over as he forced my thighs apart.
And when I felt the agony of him brutally penetrating me, I closed my eyes tightly and tried to force from my mind what was happening while the tears ran down my cheeks.
After Emanuel left, I hurried into the attached bathroom and shame washed over me as I looked at the blood on my upper thighs. I did the best I could to clean myself up, my hands shaking uncontrollably and sobs wracking my body. My mind was numb, and I couldn’t even process what was happening.
I put my white dress back on, however, I was horrified to see in the mirror behind me a red bloodstain on the back of the skirt. I must have missed a bit when I cleaned myself, or perhaps, I was still bleeding.
I had a light overcoat with me and it came to just above my knees, so I put it on and let it hide my disgrace from the rest of the world.
After I had gotten my tears under control, I left the bathroom to find the doctor waiting in the examination room. He looked at me lewdly as he handed me a script. “Here are the birth control pills you will need to take.”
I felt like refusing the piece of paper; instead, I clutched it in my fist as I rushed out of the room, degradation staining every inch of my being.
I rooted in my purse for my sunglasses, sliding them on in the hope that they would hide my red eyes. Thank goodness I wasn’t being escorted by my own driver and bodyguard. They would surely have noticed that something was very wrong.
As I got back into the waiting car, I couldn’t help looking with unease at the two soldiers Emanuel Santino had sent to escort me here.
After today, I knew that I could never trust any man associated with the Santinos, especially not Emanuel Santino, and most definitely not Rafael Santino.
When I got home, I headed straight for my bedroom and locked myself in there for the rest of the day. I told a maid that I was feeling unwell and that I would skip dinner.
My mother was so preoccupied with her extravagant wedding preparations that she barely noticed my absence, and I was thankful for that because I couldn’t face her or anyone else right now.
I could stop my body from shaking and my chest from aching. Shame washed over me in continual waves, drowning me completely with its weight.
The weather was hot in L.A. but I had never felt so cold in my life. Although I lay in bed huddled under my comforter, nothing could warm up the chill in my veins.
Every time I shut my eyes, images and sounds from earlier haunted me—the clink of his belt being unbuckled, the hiss of his zipper, the sounds he made while he didthatto me.
I leapt off my bed and rushed into my bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach into the bowl.