Page 19 of Golden Goal
Nasty glaresdart in our direction from the girls occupying the nearby table in the library. I can't entirely blame them, though, considering that Leia just loudly proclaimed, "He tried to put it in my ass." Her voice, even in its second-loudest form, pierced the tranquil air of the library, echoing against the hushed whispers and rustling pages.
Leia always gets agitated when she recounts the incident, and honestly, who wouldn't? It was no dream; it was an embarrassing reality. The girls at the neighboring table must not be enthusiasts of the aforementioned "butt stuff" because if glares could kill, we'd be six feet under.
As for my stance on the matter, well, I'm still on the fence. Leia claims it can be enjoyable when done right, but I remain skeptical. She's the more experienced one between us, but my sexual encounters are confined to solo performances. The idea of venturing anywhere near that territory during alone time is just too daunting for me.
I can't help but whisper-yell, "Leia, shut up!" in her direction.
She, at least, offers a feigned look of apology as she glances over at the girls and murmurs, "Sorry." We both know she's not sorry at all, but it's the thought that counts.
In the wake of our indiscretion, we exchange knowing glances and suppress giggles as we savor the humor in our discussion of the mysterious wonders of "butt stuff."
We actually finished our work about twenty minutes ago, but we've lingered on, engrossed in our idle chatter, much to the annoyance of other students. It's a Thursday evening at eight, and the library is generally far from being this crowded.
I find solace in the library's grandeur. It's a vast and beautiful space, not one of those dark, dingy libraries you sometimes stumble upon. Instead, it's bathed in soft, inviting light and thoughtfully designed. Back in my hometown, the public library was a rundown place, so I never bothered visiting. Having access to a nice library now feels like a luxury.
Leia suddenly blurts out, "We should go to a party." Her words jolt me out of my reverie about the library, replacing my contentment with a sense of apprehension. Leia and I aren't exactly party enthusiasts, so I can't fathom why she's suggesting this.
I give her an inquisitive look and ask, "Why?"
She returns a stern gaze, saying, "We're eighteen, and in college, we should try something new. You know this."
I can't deny the truth in her statement, but I'm sort of over it. The more I attempt to step out of my comfort zone, the more I seem to embarrass myself. It's an undeniable pattern.
I counter with the most straightforward reason not to attend, "Neither of us drink, at least not at party levels. We might have a glass of wine or two, but that's about it."
Her expression falters, and then she grins at me, as if she's just realized that she's the opposite of a party animal. "Oh yeah, I forgot."
I offer a reassuring smile, "We could go if you want to experience it."
She doesn't appear too keen on that idea, replying, "No, we can drink like we normally do, just at a party. We don't have to get super drunk. Neither of us would enjoy that anyway."
I breathe a sigh of relief, thinking, thank goodness.
Since Leia and I have never been to a real party before, we meticulously discuss every aspect of how we'll plan out the entire night. Having a plan is one thing Leia and I have in common. Whether it's a big event or a small outing, we always have a plan and a backup plan. It's one of the pillars of our friendship. Back when we were growing up, our brothers thought we were a little nuts, but it worked for us, and they're grateful for it now. Especially Elliott, because it means he worries less about me knowing I'm not making irrational decisions.
Leia's in the middle of rambling about the exorbitant prices of rideshares when she suddenly pauses. Her gaze drifts past my shoulder, and a teasing smile tugs at her lips. I wave my hand in front of her face to snap her out of her reverie.
I'm about to ask her what's caught her attention, but before I can utter a word, I hear a voice say, "Well, well, well, it must be my lucky day." Ronan drops his backpack onto the table and eases himself into the chair to Leia's right.
He flashes a smile at Leia, and while they exchange greetings, my mind is a whirlwind of thoughts. Ronan doesn't give us a chance to ask any questions; he's a talker, I've noticed. He breaks eye contact with Leia and directs his attention to me, saying, "If I had known you guys were here, I would have brought my dear friend along.”
I don't even have to ask who his "dear friend" is. It's Lincoln.
Leia clears her throat and retorts, "Well, if we knew you were going to be here, we would have left." Initially, I'm taken aback, but I catch the tiny smile lingering on her face, a clear sign she wasn't being serious. Regardless, it doesn't seem to deter Ronan. He's probably accustomed to such responses. After all, he's friends with Lincoln.
Ronan leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in a relaxed manner. "What are you guys doing?"
"Nothing, we finished studying about thirty minutes ago. Now we're discussing going to a party. You know?" Leia pauses, thinking for a moment. "Never mind, you probably don't get invited to any."
Ronan leans forward, his excitement palpable. "For your information, I get invited to parties every weekend." He casually brushes his wavy blond hair off his forehead, clearly enjoying the playful banter with Leia.
Leia, however, isn't one to cut him slack, and she retorts, "I doubt it." She can be quite harsh when she wants to be.
Ronan, now visibly riled up, starts waving his hands around, drawing even more attention to our little corner. "I do! Tomorrow night. A few guys from the team are throwing one. They live across the street from Linc, Marsh, Liam, and me. It will be sick as fuck, I swear." He playfully holds up his fingers in a Boy Scout salute, though he's missing a finger.
Leia, acting nonchalant, tells him, "Huh. We're going to have to think about it."