Page 32 of Golden Goal
We both scramble through the extra blankets we've strewn on our beds for movie time. My hand smacks into something hard, and I snatch it up, holding it triumphantly over my head.
"Leia!" I call out.
"You found it!" she shrieks, her voice filled with relief.
I continue to hold the object aloft. "Hell yeah, I found it," a pleased smile etched on my face.
"Look who it is," she urges, her curiosity piqued.
Oh yeah. I'd forgotten.
I lift my phone to my face and blink a few times to clear my vision. The name displayed on the screen makes me wince.
Lincoln Golden
Oh, damn.
My legs start to twitch, and I blurt out, "It's Lincoln." There's no way I'm answering it.
But while I'm contemplating this decision, I completely miss Leia leaping onto her bed. She jumps across the room and lands on the lower half of my bed, bouncing twice before realizing she didn't quite make it to the floor.
I have to admit, that was pretty impressive.
Acting like nothing out of the ordinary happened, she scrambles up onto my bed and swipes the phone out of my hand.
Before I can voice my complaint, she swipes to answer the Facetime call.
Suddenly, we're practically on top of each other, crushing all my pretty pillows on my bed. Leia holds the phone up super close to our faces, capturing one-half of each of our faces on the screen.
We must look great. Or at least, I hope we do.
Lincoln's handsome face finally appears, with Ronan struggling in the background, attempting to get his face in view. Lincoln keeps tilting the phone away while Ronan continues to fight for visibility.
I hear a grunt and a muttered, "Not cool, man," which I assume came from Ronan. I'd bet Ronan got a swift elbow to the side.
It's dark wherever they are, but Lincoln's headboard is visible in the background, suggesting they're at home on this lovely Friday night.
Lincoln staying home makes sense to me, but Ronan would usually prefer hitting up a bar or a party. I don't know enough about him to make that judgment, but from what I've seen, he's wild.
"Hey," Lincoln looks like he's straining to focus on something. "What are you guys doing, and why are you so close to the camera?" he questions.
Leia's hand jerks the phone away until our whole faces fill the screen.
"We were just cuddling," Leia offers as an explanation.
"Fuck yeah, let me see," comes a voice from the background, presumably Ronan.
I hear another grunt and a "Stop that."
"Okay," Lincoln says, drawing the word out.
I realize I haven't said anything yet.
That thought is unnerving enough that I blurt out, "We need snacks."
Whoa, that was smooth.
I'm getting pretty good at this talking thing. I look to Leia, expecting her to give me some props for my newfound eloquence, but she's giving me a 'what the hell' look.