Page 105 of Meant for Her
Ryan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her shoulders. “We are one.”
If Malia had been able to talk, she might have. He withdrew and rushed to the bathroom. Luke kissed her once more and then placed her onto her side. He also went to clean up.
Ryan returned and wiped her clean. “How does it feel to belong to both of us?”
Malia couldn’t let that comment go. She loved teasing the men, especially Ryan since he seemed to be the more gullible of the two. “I love that you both now belong to me. And to think I can do what I want with you.”
When her words sunk in, Ryan jumped on the bed next to her and tickled her. She squirmed. “Okay, okay, I give.”
“Good. As long as you remember who is boss, we’ll be good.”
Malia knew exactly who was boss, but she would let the men have their way every once in a while.
Two weeks later.
“A little to the left,” Malia instructed Luke.
He pushed her leather sofa over so that it sat under a painting Tawny had given them as a house warming gift.
Luke and Ryan had been good sports about letting her do whatever she wanted with the house. “What do you think?”
Luke moved next to her and checked it out. “It’s amazing what new furniture will do to the place. As soon as all of the calves are born, Ryan said he wants to paint the house.”
Malia grinned. “What do you think of some flowers on the porch and maybe a few rocking chairs?”
He chuckled. “How old do you think we are?”
“They’re mostly for decoration, but I think it would be nice to sit out there on a summer night drinking some lemonade and watching the sun set.”
He pulled her into an embrace. “I think that’s a great idea.”
Just as he leaned over to kiss her, Ryan barged in. “The last calf has been delivered,” he said.
“Good job,” Luke said. “Next year, I’ll help.”
“What about smoothing out the driveway now? You promised, you know,” Ryan said.
“That was the plan. Now that the house inside looks amazing, the next step is to tackle the outside.”
“I don’t think the work at our ranch will ever be done. The barn needs work,” Ryan said.
“I have an idea,” Malia threw out. “We should have a barn fixing up and painting party. The Granger family is always doing things like that,” she said.
Ryan looked over at Luke. “Sure. I’m not too proud to ask for help.”
Luke dipped his chin and then nodded. “Me either.”
“Perfect. I’ll set it up.”
Things were getting in order. Their father would probably be sent away for some time. Because he’d given his ranch to them to do with it as they wished, Luke and Ryan had not only transported their cows back to their ranch, but they brought down their father’s five horses. They might sell a few to pay for taxes and such, but hopefully, they’d be able at some point to hire some hands.
“Now that you’re both here, I have an announcement,” Malia said.
Ryan moved closer. “Are you pregnant?”
She laughed. “No, but one never knows, especially with you two.”