Page 22 of Meant for Her
As soon as her back was flush against the wood, he lowered his hands and lifted her blue sweater over her bra. When he spotted the color red, his eyes flashed gold, and his facial hair increased in intensity.
He leaned back. “If you don’t want this, please tell me now, because once I start, I may not be able to stop.” His eyelids slightly closed as he inhaled deeply. “I don’t know what kind of witch you are, but I’m doing things I’ve never dreamt of.”
Now probably wasn’t the time to tell him that this was what happened when two people were mates. She’d bring up the idea of adding Ryan to the mix at a later date.
“Me too.” Malia hadn’t meant to sound so desperate, but this man did something to her that was out of this world.
The kiss that followed was slightly slower and more sensual than before, but when he lifted her bra over her breasts and cupped them, her knees weakened.
Without thinking, she reached out to undo the buckle on his jeans. She wanted to touch his cock, suck on it, and then ride him for all that it was worth. That kind of thought was foreign to her, but she was so into him at this moment that she couldn’t think of stopping.
The problem was that his kiss was distracting her so much, she was having a hard time navigating the button.
Luke stepped back. “I’ll do it.” He popped it open and then unzipped his jeans. “Sorry, I couldn’t wait. Take off your boots.”
The command came out a bit harsh, but he was probably as desperate as she was. “Okay.”
She knelt down and tried to undo the laces, but her fingers were having a hard time working. How was that possible? Malia was never nervous. It was one reason why she was such a good nurse. She could really use the medical calm right now.
Luke slipped off his boots, along with his socks, and then stepped out of his pants and his briefs. She stilled, her gaze aimed straight at his hard-on.
Luke chuckled, a sound she didn’t think he was capable of making. “Need help with those shoes?”
Staring was rude, but the size of his dick made her think twice about whether he’d even fit. Werewolves were larger than humans, but Luke was abnormally large.
“No. I’m good.” Malia swallowed, but her throat was a bit dry.
She finished undoing her boots as quickly as possible and then took them off. Her feet would be warmer in socks, but she didn’t want to look ridiculous.
She was about to pull down her bra, when Luke stayed her hand with his. “Don’t. I like looking at you.”
If his voice hadn’t softened to a whisper, she might have ignored his request. Without adjusting anything, she stood to remove her jeans, but Luke swatted away her hands. “I can do it faster.”
He was probably right about that. Surprisingly, he was rather gentle when he slid her jeans down. Without being told, she stepped out of them. She expected him to take off her panties, but he left them on.
He rose to his feet and then bent down to suck on one nipple while he planted his palm on the door for support. With his other hand, he threaded his fingers through her hair. The sensuality of his touch caused ripples of need to burst inside her. The man was a mass of contradictions from demanding to considerate and from evasive to loving.
Malia reached out and grabbed his thick shaft.Oh, my. He grunted and sucked harder on her nipple. When he lowered his hand from her scalp and slipped two fingers into her wet hole, she had to grab his arm for support. Bolts of electricity soared through her veins. Who was this man, and how did he know exactly where to touch her? It was enough to almost bring her to her knees.
Luke lifted up off her breast, and then kissed her again, almost as if he, too, needed to touch and taste all of her. Desperation seemed to flow off of him.
As her hold on his cock increased, he suddenly grasped her wrist, broke the kiss, and stepped back.
“I am working really hard not to come right now. How about concentrating on another part of my body—something less stimulating?”
“Are you saying you like the way I kiss and touch you?”
“Don’t make me beg.” His shoulders sagged. “Fuck.”
“I figured that would come eventually,” she said.
A little smile lifted one corner of his lips. “That’s not what I meant, though I’m game. Trust me. Nothing will stop me from that goal. I don’t have a condom though. Neither of us entertain here.”
Questions and comments flew into her mind about their life style, but they could be answered later. “I’m on the pill.”
He blew out a breath. “Good. Now where were we?”
“I was about to suck on your cock.”