Page 27 of Meant for Her
“Thanks.” Malia went in.
“What’s your pleasure?”
“The diner is fast,” Malia said.
“Works for me. How about we both drive? I have a feeling the center will close before I get back.”
Malia smiled. “Perfect.”
Once Tawny asked Trent to lock up, they left and headed to town. The diner was mostly empty since it was too early for the regular dinner crowd. Malia picked a booth in back. The last thing she needed was for anyone to overhear their conversation.
“Spill,” Tawny said as soon as they sat down.
“I’m not sure where to begin, but the big news is that Luke and I had sex.” She said that as softly as she could.
“You what?” Tawny’s response, however, was loud enough for the whole place to hear.
“Shh. You heard me. I probably should start at the beginning so you’ll understand.”
“Let me get the waitress’ attention. I need a drink to get through this story.”
Malia chuckled. “I’ll join you.”
Their server took their drink and dinner order and said it wouldn’t be long.
“Tell me everything.”
Malia started with her discussion with Seth—who didn’t have any idea about the rustlers. “That led me to Will who said he might have an idea who it could have been.”
There was no use spreading rumors. “When I know more, I’ll tell you. If I say it out loud, I’ll begin to believe it. Besides, it’s not important.”
“Fine. Go on.”
“I then asked Mason to investigate these possible rustlers. After that, I drove over to the ranch to see how the men were doing. Yes, I know you said they wouldn’t believe me, and you were right.” She inhaled. “Apparently, Luke knew I was a Granger because of my keychain, so he was immediately suspicious as to why I was there.”
Tawny’s eyebrows rose. “I’m impressed. I have to say I like a man who is a good observer.”
Just like Malia’s brother Benson. “I was too.”
Their wine arrived and they toasted. “To finding your mates.”
Malia huffed. “I might have found them, but Luke is still in denial.”
Tawny leaned forward. “I thought you said you two did the nasty.”
“We did. His eyes changed color, and I even felt his sharpened teeth.”
“There you go. That proves it,” Tawny said. “I should know.”
Malia was happy to have that confirmation. “After we finished, he told me to never come back.”
“What? Did he say why?”
“Something about it being too dangerous. What if the rustlers returned? He said he could never live with himself if I was hurt or something like that.”
“Aww. That’s awesome. He wants to protect you. Remember what happened to me and how your brother and Preston didn’t want me to interfere in trying to find out who harmed my brother?”