Page 31 of Meant for Her
“I trust youguessthat you and my brother are mates also?”
“Sure. If we hadn’t been, I can promise you that we never would have laid a hand on each other. It was like some invisible force drew us to each other.”
“And you feel the same toward me?” He’d never asked a woman if she enjoyed herself in bed or if she liked him. With Malia, he had to be sure.
“You know the answer to that, but in case you need the reassurance, the answer is yes.”
He couldn’t help but pump his fist. When Malia laughed, every part of his body lit up. Ryan glanced at the car roof. “Are you hungry?” He had a crazy plan and hoped it would work.
“I am but don’t even think about going to a place as public as a restaurant.”
“I wasn’t. I thought we could order something to be delivered at the ranch.” He held up a hand. “There’s a small restaurant in town, run by werewolves, who would be happy to drive it over to our place. I’m suggesting our place because Luke and I have a favor to ask you.”
Her eyebrows rose. “Luke and you?”
“Yes. It actually involves the plan you outlined on how to fool the sheriff.” He explained that he and Luke came up with the idea of Malia pretending to be their caregiver. She’d call the sheriff, and they could give their statement.
“Luke agreed to this?” she asked.
“Let’s say he recognized the necessity of it. It would only be one time. Once the sheriff takes our statements, I figure he’ll have no reason to come back any time soon. You could say that Luke’s wounds were superficial—or as superficial as a gunshot can be—and the one to my side went right through and didn’t hit anything major. We will make a full recovery. Being in good shape, I’ll be on my feet in a matter of days. What do you say?”
“That might work.”
“So we’re good? You’re willing to have dinner with us to finalize the plan?”
“Yes, but even if I call the sheriff tonight, he might not be able to come over until tomorrow, and the problem is that I have to be at work then.”
“We can figure that out later.”
“You are determined to do this, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Remember, you told Luke that the sheriff would stop by. It’s his job to find out who shot us. It’s also his job to look for the rustlers, though I think attempted murder would take precedence.”
She smiled. “I did tell him that. You should be a lawyer. You’re good at convincing people to do things.”
He reached over and clasped her hand. “I only want to convince you.” Ryan let go immediately, since his body reacted intensely to the touch. How he was going to last through dinner without ravishing her, he didn’t know. “What do you like to eat?”
She sucked in her bottom lip and squinted her eyes. It looked as if she was mentally reading some menu in her mind’s eyes, but it made his poor cock press painfully against his zipper.
“Order me a club sandwich.”
“Great. Follow me back to my place?”
“I’d like to change first. How about I meet you at your place?”
“Okay, but don’t take too long.”
“For a club sandwich, I’ll rush.”
Ryan pushed open her car door, and after making certain the coast was clear, jogged back to this truck. He prayed he’d make it through the evening.
“Did you talk with her?” Luke asked when Ryan came back.
“I did, though I spent too much of my day sitting in the car.”
Ryan might have been sitting in a parking lot all day, but Luke had been cooped up in the house. As much as he wanted to get out and go for a run, he didn’t dare chance the sheriff stopping by. “Spill it. What did she say about our proposal?”