Page 46 of Meant for Her
Malia pulled out her phone and checked the caller ID. It was Seth.
“Hey. What’s up?” She could tell by the loud background noise of moos and shouts that he was most likely at one of the many cattle auctions he and Trevor often attended.
“I think I found some of Ryan and Luke’s cows.”
Her heart rate jacked up. “Seriously? That’s amazing.” Malia had to work hard not to shout. Wanting some privacy, she strode to the break room, motioning to one of the nurses that she’d be right back. “Where did you see them?”
“At the cattle auction in Plainville. It’s off SR 148.”
“I know the place. How do you know the cows belong to the Lattimores?”
“I’m not positive, but it looks like part of the branding is new. Where there had been an L, it is now a D. Also, the ear tags look way too clean, like someone removed the old ear tags and replaced them. I was hoping one of your men could stop by and take a look.”
She was aware that auctions didn’t last all day. “I’ll see if David can cover for me. We can’t let this opportunity slip by. Who’s the seller?”
“A human by the name of Chip Lawson.”
That was a bit disappointing. “Then he couldn’t have been one of the men who stole the cattle, assuming the cows belong to the Lattimores.”
“Chip is merely a middleman. He goes to a ranch—often a distressed ranch—and picks up the cattle for cheap. He then takes them to auction and hopes to make a few bucks. I was considering bidding for them. They are beauties.”
“Let me see what I can do. Hopefully, I’ll see you shortly.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
This might be the big break Luke and Ryan were looking for.Damn. She forgot to ask how many of the cattle might have belonged to them. On her way out, she found David and explained why she needed to leave.
“Go. We’ve got things covered. Just check in when you’re done in case we need you to return.”
“Of course.”
She grabbed her coat and was rushing out when who should walk into the lobby but the sheriff. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
“Malia. Perfect timing. I was just coming to speak with you.”
“Sheriff Hanson, I’d love to chat, but my brother just called from the Plainville cattle auction and said he believes he spotted Luke and Ryan’s cattle about to be sold.”
“That’s good news, but how can he be sure they are the stolen cows?”
She explained that Seth said part of the brand appeared to be new. “The man selling them is just a middleman by the name of Chip Lawson. Most likely, he bought them from the thieves.”
“For his sake, I hope he has the bill of sale for the animals. Regardless, I’ll check it out.”
Malia was happy he wanted to do that, but Ryan or Luke would want to be there to see the cattle. “Except for a slight limp, Luke can go and see for himself. I bet if he takes his branding iron, he could prove one way or the other if the cattle are his.”
The sheriff stood there for a moment, probably debating if he wanted some hothead there. “Fine, but he has to let me handle things. I will do everything in my power to see that justice is served. But tell him to bring the papers for the cows, assuming he registered them. If his cows have ear tags, that will help, though I’ve known thieves to remove and change them.”
“That’s what Seth said.”
“Good to know.”
“I’ll let Luke know that you’re on your way. Hopefully, we’ll see you shortly.” She didn’t want the auction to be over before they arrived.
Malia rushed out. On the short trip to the Circle L Ranch, she called Luke. Ryan would have to stay home since no one would believe he’d be up and about in only a couple of days after having been shot in the side.
“Malia?” Luke sounded worried. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I’m coming over.”