Page 87 of Meant for Her
“Give him your number,”Ryan telepathed. He didn’t know if the sheriff had their information.
Once Luke did that, the three of them left.
“We need to speak with Mason right away,” Malia said.
“Why is that?” Ryan asked.
“We should have Mason—or someone else we know—try to find him.”
“That sounds good.” They reached the truck, and Ryan held open the door for Malia. Once she got in, he slid into the backseat, pretending to still be recovering. No telling who might be watching.
“How about calling your cousin to make sure he’s available?” Luke suggested.
“Sure.” Malia called, and Ryan could hear the conversation. They were good to go.
Luke fired up the truck and took off for Wildwood.
“If Dad’s been gone for three years—assuming he’s not in the ground—do you really think Mason can find him?” Ryan asked.
She turned around. “Like I said, if Mason can’t, we know someone who might be able to. His resources are extensive.”
Luke looked in the rear-view mirror. “How does learning Dad might be alive help us find the cows?”
No one said anything.
“That’s quite a theory,” Mason said. “What chances would you give that your dad is still alive?”
“Eighty-percent,” Luke said.
“Really? I’m going with ten percent,” Ryan said.
Malia held up her hands. “Never met the man, but from what I’ve heard, anything’s possible.” She turned to Luke and Ryan. “Any chance he’d tried to find your mom?”
“He might try,” Luke said, “but I can’t imagine she’d take him back. She left eighteen years before that because he was a jerk.”
“Not that we need to spend time on this when there are more important things to figure out, but she could have cheated on him, and as a result, he asked her to leave?” Malia suggested.
“If she did cheat, it was because Dad was an abusive asshole to her,” Luke said.
“Tell you what,” Mason said. “I’ll see what I can find out about both parents. I might even give Mick McLaughlin a call. I imagine he’ll be more effective.”
“Thank you,” Malia said.
Mason leaned back in his seat. “This wasn’t the way I thought I’d be meeting your mates, but I’m glad I finally did.”
“Me, too, Mason,” Ryan said.
She stood. “Please let us know if you learn anything.”
“One more thing,” Mason said. “Do you have a picture of your dad?”
Luke shook his head. “Not on me. I’d rather not have the memory, but Dad’s wallet is in the house, so we have his ID and stuff.”
“Can you scan it for me? If you have a better photo, send that too.”
“Will do,” Luke said.