Page 13 of Meant for Two
“Huh? Ah… sure.” She sounded dazed.
From the blood on the rock, she’d hit her head. Thankfully, he’d seen her fall. It had been a slow crumbling motion.
When she pushed up using her hands, she groaned. “Crap. My wrist. Give me a second.”
“Take your time.” Seeing Blair vulnerable cut him to the core. Not wanting to cause her any more pain, Zane placed his hands on her shoulders. “Let me help.”
“I got this.”
“I know.” Regardless of her insistence that she was capable, he rolled her over in one slow movement. He had to work hard not to react to the blood on her face—her beautiful, perfect face.
She lifted her hand and patted the cut. “I’m bleeding?”
“Looks like you hit your head,” Zane said, though he bet the pain would register shortly.
“I wasn’t looking where was going, because I saw this wolf and freaked.”
Damn. It was his fault she’d been injured, but he never expected to see her in the woods. “That’s understandable.”
She stiffened. “Oh, no. We have to get out of here. The wolf might come back.”
Little did she know she was sitting next to that wolf. “I scared him off. We’re good.”
She stared at him, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Zane, what areyoudoing here?”
“I think I should be asking you the same question,” he countered. He couldn't believe the recklessness she had shown by venturing out alone over this rugged terrain.
Wincing, she attempted to sit up. “I was just… I needed to check something.”
Zane’s gaze narrowed as he took in her disheveled appearance. She was pale, probably from a bit of shock, and was rather dirty. “Do you have anything in your backpack to clean up your cut?”
“Sure. Give me that.” He’d use his shirt. After he slipped off his jacket, he removed his T-shirt.
“What are you doing?” Blair’s eyes had gone wide.
Was that interest he noted? Or was she worried he’d try something? He didn’t have time to analyze it now. “I want to clean your cut. It’s the only clean cloth we have.”
“Oh. You don’t have to do that.”
He grinned. “Well, if you want to use your shirt, I won’t complain.”
She let out a laugh and then immediately sucked in a breath. “Yours will be great.”
He opened her backpack and located the water bottle. Once he poured the water onto his shirt, he handed it to her. “You should do it. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Thanks.” She dabbed the cut but that seemed to make more of a mess.
“Here. Let me try. I can see what I’m doing.” Zane took the shirt from her and cleaned up her face the best he could. Her makeup was streaked, but that couldn’t be helped. “Do you think you can stand? We should get you back.”
Her cut was still bleeding. To hell with his shirt. Before she complained, he tore off a strip of cloth from the bottom.
“What are you doing?”
“That cut isn’t going to stop bleeding until we do something. Zane moved behind her and made a quick headband from the cloth and then wrapped it around her head. “This should do until we get help.”
She twisted around to face him, her lips twisted into a wry smile. “I'm fine, really. I just took a little tumble.”