Page 23 of Meant for Two
Zane stood. “Keep in touch.”
“Will do, and say hello to Jeff for me. I never see the man.”
Zane smiled. “He’s working on finishing his man-cave loft.”
“When he’s done, we need a party to celebrate.”
“I’ll make sure to suggest it.”
Zane left. Hopefully, Mason wouldn’t take too long to find some dirt on John Gaines.
* * *
“You told Zane that you thought John might have been the one to break into the Hensley’s place?” Avery asked as she pulled up a chair in front of Blair’s office desk.
“Yes, because I believe it,” Blair responded. “If you could have seen him, you’d be convinced he was guilty too. The fact he showed up at my listing after what he did, tells me he doesn’t think it’s over between us, despite it being more than a year since I’ve seen him. That, or he wants to take me down because he blames me for his company's financial problems.”
“John Gaines is a real idiot,” Avery said as she picked up her coffee cup from Blair's desk. “What did Zane think of him?”
“He couldn't stomach him. He's even asked Jeff's cousin Mason—who's a private investigator—to look into John."
"Wow. Zane is winning more and more fans," Avery said.
Blair was becoming more of a fan too. “I have to say I was surprised that he didn’t tell me that I was imagining things.”
“He saw John for what he really was—a royal jerk.” Avery sipped the coffee and set it down. “Did you mention your dad to Zane?”
“I told him that my father used to abuse my mom, but that’s all. There was no reason to tell him that my father is a murdering son-of-a-bitch.”
Avery leaned back in her chair. “Have you considered your father might have had one of his criminal friends break into Woodland Estates to get back at you?”
She shook her head. “No way. He’d have no reason to think that harming Drew Granger would harm me.”
“Seriously?” Avery asked. “I'm sure you mentioned that you're involved in marketing the place.”
“I didn’t. My father doesn’t deserve to know anything about me.”
Avery shook her head. “It wouldn’t take a detective to know what you do here. Think about it. You live three towns over from where your dad is imprisoned. He could pay some people to spy on you!”
Why was Avery trying to scare her? “I wasn’t part of his life growing up. Why should he care now?”
Avery stared at her. “I’m worried about you. I think you must have gotten some brain damage when you hit your head on that rock. Didn’t you go to his parole hearing a month or so ago? And weren’t you the one who said you were totally against him being released early?”
Every year, for years, she’d testified why her father shouldn’t be released. “Oh, God. I don’t know what I was thinking. Of course, the bastard would want revenge.”
“You need to tell Zane about him, or at least tell the sheriff and Drew.”
“Uh-uh. Drew and the sheriff are brothers. One of them would tell Jeff who would tell Zane about my father, and I’m not ready for any of them to learn that I came from a broken home and had a father who killed my mother. They’ll think I’m damaged goods.”
Avery leaned forward. “Listen to me, Blair. You are a survivor. You grew up under terrible circumstances and yet you managed to build your own company. I think your bad upbringing makes you an even better catch.”
That made Blair chuckle. “A catch? I’m not looking to find another man.”
“What about two men? It would be double the pleasure!" Avery grinned.
“I have nothing against ménage relationships, but I don’t see that working for me. I’m at my job all the time.”
Her friend shook her head and sighed. “Denial is an ugly trait, Blair Gibson. I see how your eyes light up when you talk about them—even that curmudgeon, Jeff.”