Page 43 of Meant for Two
“No. I just wanted to check up on you. Are you with the men?”
Blair chuckled. “I was, but Zane dropped me off at my place so I could pick up a few things. He’ll be back any minute.”
“Oh, good. I worry about you, you know.”
She was so sweet. “I’m fine. In fact, I plan to cook dinner for the men tonight as a thank you.”
“Ohh. And what are you having for dessert? Zane or Jeff?”
Blair laughed, and it felt so good to do so. “You are so bad.” If she was lucky, she might decide to sample both men. She’d tried out two men simultaneously a few times, but the men weren’t compatible, so it didn’t work out. But Jeff and Zane seemed different, if their ability to read each other’s minds was any indication.
A horn sounded outside.
“Is that the men?”
“It’s Zane. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Have fun!”
“I plan to,” Blair said and then disconnected.
Just as she opened the door, Zane was standing there. The man moved fast—real fast. He grabbed her case. “Anything else?”
“Just this one. It should hold me over for a few days.”
“Good. Let’s go. I’m starving.”
When they arrived back at the loft, Jeff had set out the groceries on a now-clean counter. He nodded to the coffee table in the living room. “We’ll have to eat there since I don’t have a dining room table yet.”
He actually sounded embarrassed that his loft wasn’t finished. “That works great. Let me put my stuff in my room, and I’ll start dinner.”
“What can I do?” Jeff asked.
“How about boiling water for spaghetti?”
“I’ll do that,” he said.
When he smiled, butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Blair had never experienced that sensation before. “I’ll…ah…be right back.”
She rushed into the bedroom and planted her back against the closed door. Were these strange sensations lust or loneliness. If it was the latter, that would be sad.
Blair could picture Avery standing in front of her, urging her on. Her friend might be right. Perhaps if she sampled the men, she could get them out of her system. That plan hadn’t worked in the past, so she wasn’t sure why she thought it would now. Regardless of the outcome, the experience would be something she’d never forget.
These men are different, that little voice in her head said.
“Yes, they are,” she whispered.
Blair debated changinginto something more attractive for dinner, but she didn’t want to be too forward or make it obvious that she had plans for dessert—that being the men. Jeff and Zane seemed the type to take the initiative, and they might not appreciate a woman being the aggressor.
The problem was that they'd most likely assume she was too weak for anything more than a peck on the cheek.Men!She’d have to prove them wrong.
When she returned to the main room, steam was rising off the pot on the stove. She rushed over to the kitchen where Jeff was breaking open the package of spaghetti, and Zane was stirring the pre-made spaghetti sauce in a pan.
“You guys are so great.” Blair stepped over to the saucepan. “Did you already chop the onions and green peppers and sauté them?”
Zane looked over at Jeff. “No?”