Page 53 of Meant for Two
“The warden at the prison where Blair’s father is incarcerated said the man Blair's father attacked is Mike Dragman. I don't know if that helps though."
“Dragman?” Jeff asked. He motioned Zane over. “I’m putting you on speaker so Zane can hear.”
“Sure. You know this guy?”
Jeff told him about a Daryl Dragman who was at the Hensley’s home yesterday. “I have no idea if they are related, but they could be. Dragman is a shifter, and the name isn’t all that common.”
“I’ll look into it. Thanks,” his uncle said.
“Let us know what you find out.”
“Will do.”
Jeff turned to Zane. “What do you make of it?”
“I agree that Dragman isn’t a common name around here, but it’s possible there are two Dragman families.”
“Or Daryl really is related to Mike,” Jeff said.
“Even if he is, why would he be at Mr. Hensley’s place? He really could be an insurance agent with a brother who ran into trouble and landed in jail.”
“True. I wonder how many of the inmates have figured out there are two men in prison who are not quite human? We don’t need our secret to get out or we’ll be hunted.”
“Is there anything we can do?” Zane asked.
“What doyou meanwhat can wedo? Are you asking how we can stop the world from learning about our kind?” Jeff asked.
“No. How to figure out who’s behind this mess,” Zane said.
“Before we start pointing fingers at anyone, let’s find out if Daryl Dragman is a legitimate insurance agent. If he is, then I won’t be too concerned if his brother is the man in jail.”
“That won't be easy. There are a lot of insurance agencies in town,” Zane said. “You planning on calling every one of them?”
“I’ll give Mason a call to see if he can find out anything. I should have mentioned that to Uncle Adam, but I think he has enough on his plate.”
Jeff called Mason and explained about the coincidence of finding a possible relative of the man who Blair’s father recently fought in prison. “Your dad plans to learn if they are related.”
“Actually, Dad already called me. I need to start charging him for my time.” Mason chuckled. “What if this Daryl guy and Mike are related?”
Jeff blew out a breath. “I’m not sure exactly. I don’t want to ignore a possible clue, especially if Blair becomes a target again.”
“What do you need me to find out?” Mason asked.
“Whether or not he is a local insurance agent,” Jeff said.
“I can look into it. I did find a few things about John Gaines. Since he lives in Midvale, I first spoke with the sheriff there. John's record is clean. To be sure he wasn't involved in other activities, I had our cousins over there ask around. While he's been in a few skirmishes, none have involved werewolves. It seems as if he isn't involved in our world."
"I forgot to ask Dad if he’d learned who was responsible for Blair’s accident. Did he say anything to you about it?” Mason asked.
“I don’t think he knows,” Jeff said.
“Got it. I’ll get back to you once I find out something.”