Page 74 of Meant for Two
“What are we doing about stopping these threats?” This came from Margie Fredricks, a homeowner from the second phase.
“We’ve hired more guards to patrol the streets,” Drew said.
“Twenty-four hours a day?” This came from George again.
“I’d like to do that, but we’d have to raise the monthly dues to cover the cost if we do. Security doesn’t come cheap.”
Mr. Hensley stood. “I’m struggling with the mortgage as is. Maybe we can come up with a better plan.”
“I’m all ears, Mr. Hensley,” Drew said.
“Maybe one of you youngsters can set up a private group where we can sign up when we’re going to be out of town. That way a group of us can watch the house. My wife walks the dog daily, and she covers most of the community. Others can help check the streets at night. We’re a community and should take care of it as such.”
Several people clapped. Blair had to assume no one was aware that Mrs. Hensley would not be reliable.
“That’s an excellent idea, Bill,” Drew said. “I’ll put together some figures and send them out to everyone. I think we should vote on this. As Bill said, it’s our community.”
A few people asked what else Drew was doing to improve security. This was where Jeff and Zane shone. They explained about putting in more cameras, and Blair was impressed with their clear explanation, which showed their concern for not overspending.
After an hour of back-and-forth discussion, the meeting concluded.
Once the homeowners cleared out, the sheriff spoke to us. “I contacted the warden at the prison where Mike Dragman is residing. Apparently, his brother Daryl, has been a regular visitor. He doesn’t know what was discussed, however.”
“Did you find out why my father was in a fight with Mike Dragman?”
“No, I’m sorry.”
Blair wasn’t convinced her father was guilty of interfering with her life. What she was sure of, was that he certainly wasn’t happy with her. Could he have asked someone to mess with her? Sure.
Zane placed a hand on her shoulder. “Blair?"
She looked up and smiled. “Sorry. I was just trying to put the puzzle pieces together.” This daydreaming had to stop.
Blair stood, hoping that both men would be willing to move forward with their intimate relationship.
The three ofthem walked out of the Homeowners’ meeting and headed to Zane’s car. Jeff opened the passenger side door for Blair while Zane slipped into the driver’s side. Even though she’d decided—or rather she knew—that she wanted to be with these two, her body had made its mind up long before. It was already vibrating with need. This constant yearning was still a bit disturbing since she'd never experienced such a strong need before. Blair figured it had to do with her werewolf blood and being with two hot werewolves.
Once Zane took off, she turned around to Jeff in the backseat. “I’ve changed my mind.”
He stiffened. “You want us to take you to Avery’s? As I mentioned last night, our place is safer.”
She chuckled. “Sorry. I meant I’ve changed my mind about being alone tonight.”
When his eyes flashed gold, she glanced at his hands to see if the other signs of excitement were evident. They were. She didn’t need to check his crotch. That would be bulging.
“What are you saying exactly?” Zane asked as he drove past the guardhouse and waved to the man.
“You both were right when you implied I was meant for the two of you. I can’t deny it any longer.” Both of them emitted a rather animalistic sound, but she refrained from smiling. “So, I am proposing an experiment to see if I can handle you two at the same time. I’m sure you’ve been told many times that you are extraordinary.”
Zane slapped the steering wheel, whooped, and then sped up. “Baby, you just made my day.”
Jeff’s grin said it all too. He was all in. Blair had to laugh at how fast Zane drove. It was almost as if he worried she’d change her mind. Thankfully, they arrived in one piece.
As soon as they entered the loft, Jeff spun her around. “Would you like a glass of wine first?”
She laughed. “You think I need to have a buzz in order to make love to you two?”