Page 87 of Meant for Two
“Thank goodness all he did was run me off the road and not shoot me in the heart,” she said. “I guess if he figured I was a werewolf, he was aware that any injuries I sustained would heal quickly—assuming I’m like you guys.”
“You aren't exactly the same,” Jeff said, “but you will heal faster than your average human.”
“Good to know.”
“I have a question,” Zane said. “What was Daryl doing in Mr. Hensley’s house posing as an insurance agent? I get that he’d try to harm Blair, but why the Hensleys?”
“I don’t know,” Dad said.
“Too bad Adam doesn’t have due cause to get a search warrant for the jewelry—assuming Daryl and an accomplice were the thieves,” Zane said.
“He might not be. Why would a thief visit Mr. Hensley after he stole from him?” his dad asked. “Even if he visited beforehand to scope out the place, why return?”
“Let’s hope Adam can get him to talk,” Zane said.
“My brother is good. We can only hope he can cut some sort of deal with Daryl to find out what happened.”
As if the world was listening, Dad’s phone rang. “Speak of the devil, it’s Adam.” He swiped the phone. “Talk to me.”
“Let me put you on speaker,”Jeff’s dad said. “I’m with Jeff, Zane, and Blair.” Drew pressed the speaker button.
“Sure. I have good news," the sheriff said. "Daryl Dragman is in jail on the hit-and-run charge. We have the proof. When the boys finished up at Daryl’s farm, they learned a few more things. Daryl and his men were in the field burying pieces of the side panel and the front bumper and grill in different places on the property, clearly as an attempt to hide the evidence. It was a rather clever plan. The even better news was that one of the men was about to hide a small sack that contained what I believe is Mrs. Hensley’s jewelry, when Mason spotted him,” the sheriff said. “I will have to confirm with the insurance company that those are her jewels, but I'm betting they are.”
Blair couldn’t believe it. Both crimes were solved! She could understand why Daryl would want to run her off the road. Her father had severely injured his brother, and he wanted to pay her dad back. But what was his reasoning for the theft?
“That’s great news, Adam. Did Daryl admit to the Hensley theft?” Drew asked.
“Yes, but he told Mason that he was hired to do the job. It wasn’t connected to his brother's injury.”
“Do you believe him?” Blair asked.
“That’s for a jury to decide. I wonder if he’ll change his tune after a night in jail,” the sheriff said. “Sorry, I have to go. Our new inmate wants to speak to me.” The sheriff disconnected.
“What will happen to Daryl?” Blair asked. “Do you think he’ll end up in the human prison like my dad and Mike Dragman?”
“He’ll do time for the hit-and-run in the shifter prison. Even though you weren’t severely injured, he’ll be incarcerated,” Jeff said. “I bet he tries to get a plea bargain by saying he'll spill the beans on who hired him to break-into the Hensley's place in exchange for a lighter sentence.”
“We have Daryl's truck on tape entering Woodland Estates,” Zane said. "Most likely he was the one to vandalize the model home."
Drew nodded. “True. I figured he isn't confessing to the vandalism because he needs some leverage to bargain with."
"I don't know how he can deny it," Blair said.
"Remember, his front license plate was missing. Even though we have the replaced grill, he could say he'd dented it another way."
Drew leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, looking a lot like Jeff. “To be honest, I'm more interested in learning who orchestrated the Hensley theft. Daryl will pay for what he did to Blair regardless.”
“Even if he tells us a name, can we believe him?” Blair said.
“No, which means we need to prove what he’s saying is correct. Only how?” Drew held up a hand. “I know it’s my brother’s job to find out, but it’s my Development. Personally, I think it’s an inside job, though I can’t tell you who would do such a thing.”
Blair leaned back in her seat. “What if we pull a sting operation to find out?”
Both Jeff and Zane seemed to be holding in a laugh. “A sting operation?” Zane said. “I thought you were a designer/marketer, not a lawman.”
He winked implying he was just trying to lighten the mood. She turned to Drew. “Remember at the homeowners’ meeting, Mr. Hensley suggested we create a place where people could indicate when they were going out of town?"