Page 19 of Must Like Cats
Kern looked at her, curious.
She took a breath and became Rhymbia in a wedding gown. The dress couldn’t have been further from the one that Renner had found for her boss. Rhymbia had worn the colours of her den.
Renner returned to her dowdy appearance. “There. That’s why he shot me, but he was aiming to shoot you in the belly, so he got me in the shoulder.”
She looked at Rhymbia and grimaced as her friend’s upset had caused Kern to wrap his arms around her. “I shouldn’t have told you.”
Rhymbia mumbled against Kern’s chest. “I knew he wanted me dead, but I didn’t know he knew about the baby.”
Renner saved them the bile that he had spewed at her before he raised the gun. She turned away and then yelped as she was hauled into the hug. It was quite tight before she muttered, “Ow.”
Kern paused and said, “Blood.”
“Yeah. I blew my stitches, and they don’t want to heal properly. Mind you, it has only been forty-eight hours, so I should start healing soon. I hope.”
Armand smiled. “I can help with that, but I need some of your blood.”
She grimaced. “I couldn’t ask that. It’s too big.”
Mateo laughed. “That is just waiting for a joke.”
Owen smiled. “I want to see this.”
A line was forming at the café door, and she said, “Fine, but not here. We keep a quiet room for cat introductions. Come with me, and if you are interested in adopting a cat, we can do that later.”
Owen kept hold of the twins. “I am hanging onto these two.”
Armand stroked the cat in his arms. “Who is she?”
“It suits her.” He got up and carried her with him.
Achilles purred as the others walked past him.
Three kittens and three alphas. Rhymbia and Kern smiled and said, “We are going to get some coffee.”
“Sure, boss.” She sighed, left the room, got her prospective alphas, and walked them through the facility to the quiet room. No way in hell was she cramming them into her apartment.
Chapter Four
The kittens were released and played with Princess quite happily.
Armand took her hand and smiled. “It will start simply.”
“Are you going to tell Bobby?”
He smirked. “Eventually. When you are visibly pregnant, that will make him pop a blood vessel.”
“If that doesn’t happen, you are going to have to hold your breath for a long time.”
Thanatos smiled. “I think we are all willing to try. Do you have any reason to believe you’re infertile?”
“No, but I have stuff to do. Mind you, Rhymbia is going to go on mat leave in the next six months, so things will change then.” She bit her lip.
Mateo and Owen smiled. Mateo said, “Things will go at your pace until they don’t.”
Renner scowled. “I don’t understand.”