Page 34 of Must Like Cats
“My body’s in pain and on fire, and I know this fire. Without a partner, this is not a fun fire.” She sniffled, and Owen cuddled her. A few moments later, she groaned. “Driving like this is going to be a pain in the... well, you know.”
Armand said, “I will drive your car. Thanatos and I arrived in his vehicle.”
“But you came in separately.” She panted.
“Than shoved me out of the elevator so he could be here first.” Armand chuckled. “Coming in last is not usually my style.”
Thanatos snorted. “Get used to it.”
Renner closed her eyes and hung onto Owen. When the pain receded, she swallowed. “I had better get dressed, or I am going to be too messed up to move.”
She slowly sat up and looked around for her clothes. Mateo stepped forward with her clothing, and the doctor stopped them. “I need to check the injection site and take more photos.”
“You are seriously taking pictures of my ass?”
“If you don’t mind. As the first omega to reactivate, I am asking for permission to keep on top of your development.”
“Will it get me out of here faster?”
“You won’t be identified, and I already took the photos.”
She snorted and reached for her underwear with shaking hands. Panties went on, and her butt felt like she had slapped it.
She stepped into her skirt, and when it was in place, she removed the robe and gown, putting her bra on a moment later. When her blouse buttons were fastened, she got into her heels. She flexed her hands and sighed. “Can I get an ibuprofen for the pain and swelling?”
“I have another injection if you don’t mind. It should make you comfortable for your drive home.” The doctor waited.
“Yes, please. I can’t imagine sitting down. Sorry, Armand, I am not going to be able to make our date tomorrow.”
Dr. Oriel went to a small fridge and said, “Your shoulder, Persephone.”
She sighed and unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her left shoulder. “I haven’t heard my own name this much for years.”
The injection went into her shoulder, and cool relief swept through her. She buttoned her shirt.
“Why didn’t you offer the meds before?”
“I knew you were driving, so now that you aren’t, it is a safe application for you. I am sorry today was so stressful.”
She grabbed her purse and phone a moment before the world spun. Thanatos caught her and lifted her.
Oriel muttered, “And that’s why.”
Renner sighed and leaned against Thanatos. “At least I don’t have to explain what happened.”
The voices got distant, and she felt wrapped in the warm cocoon of the painkiller. They were leaving, and she started to cry. Owen approached and said, “What’s the problem, sweetie?”
“Rhymbia said she got a lollipop and that I would get one, and I didn’t. What did I do wrong?” She sniffled.
Owen had a smile as he stroked her hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I have your lollipops in my pocket. When you are feeling better, you can have them.”
She nodded and clutched the edge of Thanatos’s jacket. She caught the scent on his clothes. “You were talking with Lady Fen.”
“Yes. We can discuss this later.”
She chuckled. “You guys aren’t going to fit in my apartment.”
Owen smiled. “It’s a good thing that that isn’t where we are going.”