Page 67 of Must Like Cats
There was silence and then,Now?
Are you eating a particularly tasty mouse?
You know my price for my presence.
She shivered.Yeah, yeah. I know. Warm your hands up.
A heavy laugh rippled through her thoughts.I always do, precious one.
She rubbed her face with one hand. Oh, boy. She had kept herself from her mates for a very good reason. When she was with them, she lost all sense, and since they worked very hard to keep her happy, she lost a lot of time. Now that Persephone had her memory again, it might be time to think about joining her mates in their home. It beat being homeless.
She finished her coffee and turned toward the house. She sighed. “An audience?”
Persephone blinked. “We didn’t hear anything, but I felt something. What did you do?”
“I called my mate. He’ll be here as soon as he manages pants.” She smirked and checked her phone. “The other one will be here shortly.”
Mateo said, “My lawyer is on the way. A surrogacy contract will be put in place.”
“Nice. I have done this twice already, so the final negotiations should be quick.”
Persephone asked, “Twice?”
“Yes, I offered to surrogate for a friend as a means to check that my body had repaired itself, and then, I did it again. The children were started in a petri dish, and then I got to work.”
Persephone asked, “What does labour feel like?”
“Painful squeezing that gets more intense over time, but some women don’t feel much at all.” Keres smiled. “Even yours will be unique to you and your situation and the babies involved. My boss’s wife has very fast pregnancies. She bounces back within days, but his beast gives her what she needs to get through them and recover. They both wanted a big family.”
“What do you think I am going to have? Am I going to be fast?”
“I don’t know until they attach, and by then, it will be too late. If you do end up carrying all four, I will help if your mates don’t mind.”
Persephone blinked. “Why wouldn’t you take two?”
“Because if you have my kind of speed, they are going to take root rapidly.”
“When will you know?”
“If they get into position and latch in.”
“Shit,” Persephone whined.
Than wrapped his arms around her. “Whatever happens, we are here for you and them. You first.”
Keres smiled. “But, on the plus side, it will be eighteen months before your body goes into heat again. It is an excellent benefit.”
Her sister smiled. “Which is why you don’t do it. You have mates. Why not have your own children?”
“I despised the father, but the loss of my baby broke me.” She winced. “I don’t have the nerve to try again with my actual mates.”
Persephone blinked, and tears formed. Her men surrounded her, and Keres smiled. Her own men were on the way to meet their new family by link.
Dan came out and said, “I have prepared some appetizers. Will there be more for dinner?”
Mateo said, “Two.”
“Good. I have that.”