Page 74 of Must Like Cats
“You have turned me into a statue at the museum gift shop?” She shook her head. “Tacky. Wait. How much do the replicas go for?”
“Four hundred dollars. Out of the run of eighty, seventy-five resin copies have been purchased for Moon Catcher.”
She nodded. “Much of a problem with forgeries?”
He grinned. “No. There is no one out there that can copy one of my sculptures. Their molds break, or clown masks come out. You know there is nothing scarier than a clown.”
Her body hurt. Everywhere. The larger Other held her up, and the slightly smaller led the way toward the hospital.
The big one stopped. “Can you make it to them on your own?”
“You can’t come with me?”
He slowly shook his head. “No. We are terrifying to their kind.”
She sniffled. “Clowns are scarier to me.”
“Come on, little miss. We will get you a bit closer. Know that you can always call on us if you need us.”
“You don’t have names.”
“True. They took that from us. What would you call us?” He smiled through his bloodied features.
“You are Achilles; he is Dante. The invulnerable warrior and the man who mapped hell. Last names Jett and Sorrel.”
He smiled, his jutting teeth twisting in a smile. “Achilles Jett and Dante Sorrel, for our skin, I imagine?”
“Yes, and my name is Keres Eris Rainer.”
“Thank you for the name, Keres. Now, they are coming for you, so we will distract them until you can get to your people.” His skin rippled as he prepared to do battle.
Dante joined him, and they carefully urged her toward the emergency entrance while facing off against the dozen Elite following them. Followed her.
Keres staggered toward the door and hoped her sister was somewhere safe. The doors slid open, and she tried to guess how long she had been gone as shocked men and women came in and surrounded her. She was given a bed in triage, and the rest of the nightmare evening came to a halt, and the biggest battle of her life was about to begin.
She blinked, and Achilles was holding her. He stroked her back and kissed her temple. “Remembering?”
“Yeah. The terror is turning soft grey, and the time in the hospital is a relief.” She chuckled. “So, I guess the therapy is working.”
She inhaled against his skin, and her body reacted. He smelled really good and was still a bit sweaty. She debated how tired she was and dragged her tongue across one pec to his left nipple.
“Keres, it is a little soon for your body to be demanding.”
“What about doing it without the urgency? We haven’t tried that in the last four years.”
He chuckled, and his fingers moved up and down her spine slowly. “Not panic sex? I don’t know. I have gotten used to it.”
She licked him again. “Well, if it would offend your sensibilities, I can just get some rest.”
He chuckled. “I think you are happy that you are back in touch with your sister, and the happiness needs an outlet.”
“I had no idea that happiness came out there.”
“I have heard of such things, but let me check.” He swept her up and settled her on the bed. He paused and then dropped to his back near the headboard. “I have had a tiring day, golden star. Perhaps you could help.”
She grinned and moved over to him. “I don’t want to smother you.”
“I promise to let you know if I am in distress, little star.”