Page 90 of Must Like Cats
Ford looked to Keres, and she shrugged. “Listen to my big sister.”
He blinked and smiled. “You two are dangerous.”
Persephone and Keres started to laugh.
Achilles laughed. “About time someone else noticed. Their mates are already well aware of that fact. I have seen Keres cut an Elite’s head off with pure energy. She is a woman worth waiting for.”
Persephone smiled. “And I am glad I don’t have to wait. Now, sis. What were you saying about pelvic floor exercises?”
Achilles smiled. “Ah. Those. You can get help with those.”
Persephone blinked. “I can?”
“Certainly. Keres always returns to us when she’s pregnant, so we can help her when she surrogates.” Achilles chuckled. “There are extreme side effects to her rapid gestation.”
Ford looked at Keres, and she must have been blushing. “Oh. Right. Olivia gets like that.”
Dante came back with Tobin on his shoulders. “We decided it was a tie.”
Ford blinked. “Where is Estelle?”
Keres turned her head and gestured. “Over there. Getting acquainted with her mate. They have finally met in the big wide world and are enjoying learning about each other. Like, they are finding out what each tastes like.”
Persephone blinked. “Is that Ekhart?”
Keres nodded. “It is.”
“He just retired from football. He played four amazing seasons and retired.” Persephone chuckled. “Men wept all over the continent.”
Keres asked, “How do you know that?”
“A few of the kids that the foundation works with wanted to meet him, so it was arranged, and the kids had a blast learning the rules of the game and the average size of the players. Quite a few of them have taken career paths to get them into team support and management.”
Keres could see the discussion that they had reached, and it was a sexual activity history. To her amusement, Estelle shrugged and surprised him. It seemed that she wasn’t celibate either.
Keres chuckled, and Dante jostled Tobin.
Ford smiled. “Hello, Thera. Glad you could make it today.”
Keres looked at the young teen and smiled at the girl who was staring at her in wonder. “Pleased to meet you. I suppose I am your auntie once removed. My name is Keres, and I am Persephone’s twin sister.”
Keres bent down and extended her hand. Thera came forward and shook her hand. “I thought Elite wore all white.”
“Only the ones who live at the Stronghold. My mates and I prefer darker colours.”
Achilles and Dante, with his passenger, stood behind her.
She smiled at the young woman. “And you are now my niece once removed. When is your birthday?”
“Just after the holidays, ma’am.”
Thanatos smiled. “January twentieth.”
“An excellent time. The start of a new year, and all possibilities are in front of you. Your auntie is going to have a baby. Four of them. One of them is your uncle’s.”
“Four?” Her eyes went wide. “That’s a lot.”
“It really is. It is a good thing that she lives in a big house. The babies are going to need a lot of room very quickly.”