Page 2 of Baiting the Alien
Are we getting close? I stifle a yawn. It’s so boring just sitting around. I’m not one of those who are on shift with something to do, so... staring into the void of the galaxy gets tedious quickly.
We’re approaching a blue and green planet with a misty atmosphere. I guess you can’t tell if it’s an advanced place just from looking at it.
Now we enter the misty part of it. Feels like I’m in a cloud of cotton candy. That’s another human food, isn’t it? Fluffy, sweet, and sticky all around.
Soon, the white clouds clear out and we arrive close to the seashore. There’s sand on the coastline and humans scattered across the sandy land. Hm...
“Onner, where are we?”
“Earth, I’m searching for restaurants.”
I know we are on Earth...
I take a breath to calm myself. Maybe it isn’t that important to tell Onner to get smarter when he is searching for food. I suppose I can wait a bit for the nicer ones. I tap on my screen to zoom in on the sandy place. I don’t like sand; it sticks to me and is rougher than I’d like. Grass is better.
There are human males and females there, some are swimming and others running around. I scroll around, but don’t see anything chasing after them. Weird leisure activities.
I’m about to stand and take a nap when I scroll to spot a human female in light blue clothes that are in two pieces and only cover her boobs and ass. She has a nice tan and looks like she is ready to tackle the world. There are cartoon lizards on the fabric, maybe they are some type of symbol.
My heart races. Something about this female is so interesting that my soul screaming inside me.
I tap and zoom, turning the camera until I can see her face. Her eyes and flowing hair grab me, and my stomach burns with heat.
I have to have this female.
The marking on me burns hot at the thought and my cock twitches. This is different from lust. It’s... something more.
I blink. Blood is still pooling in my head, seemingly smacking the surrounding into silence. I pull my gaze from the screen to Onner’s face, which holds concern.
I clear my throat. I get to be angry at him for interrupting my stare at this female. But... the marking on my body burns, now everything makes sense — she has to be my mate.
“I’m asking whether you want paella from this shop.” Onner shows me his phone screen but I no longer care about food. All I want is my mate.
It doesn’t make a lot of sense when she isn’t a kuqnil like me, but I know the mating pull and it’s never wrong. Any kuqnil male would know how it feels when it happens.
Maybe I don’t understand it now, but soon enough I will. Maybe this human female won’t understand, but she will, I will make her understand.
I point at her face on the screen. “I want this one. Get paella and other food from wherever you want. Just get me this human.”
Onner’s eyes widen at me. “Are you sure about that? Do you know her?”
I shake her head. Aside from knowing that she is my mate, I know nothing about her. “Not a single clue. But I want this. Get the crew together and get her here for me.”
Onner swallows. “Well, Captain, you know that...”
I growl. If Onner won’t do that, I’m going to do it myself. “I’m the captain and I do what I want. Are you new here? Just tell the guys to be careful, these humans won’t be any wiser. It isn’t like I’m getting a dozen or two anyway.”
Onner nods. “Okay... I’ll arrange that. Make sure nobody sees us and get you this female intact, right?”
Fire surges inside me. “Of course, you ought to get her to me unscratched. She is going to be my mate and she shall arrive here in pristine condition.”
Onner’s eyes widen even more, almost as if they are going to fall off their sockets. “Are you sure about that? A human? Your mate?”
If my screen doesn’t cost that much, I would have punched it. If I don’t want to have someone to bounce off ideas with, I’d have punched Onner. “I said get me this female!”