Page 4 of Baiting the Alien
I stand and get off my beach mat. The warm sand seeps into my slippers even though I’ve tried my best. There are more people standing there, obscuring my sea view.
How annoying.
My foot sinks into the sand and I feel like a penguin meandering my way to the seaside, shaky, and barely managing it. Or maybe penguins will walk better than me. I suppose this is what I’ve signed up for by taking my vacation on a beach.
I take a deep breath and take in the salty scent of the sea. This is a lot better than the smell of disinfectant in the hospital and the ambulance.
Two lifeguards are in the sea, maybe someone is drowning. It would be bad if a shark came out of somewhere and snatched them. I laugh at myself. That’s something for fiction; definitely not a good thing to ever happen in real life. This beach has never had a single sighting of sharks; so that won’t ever happen.
The lifeguards reach out with the floating ring. It doesn’t take long before the three are back on the beach.
The one who was drowning is a teenage boy; maybe he fell from his surfboard and got choked by water at just the wrong timing. The lifeguards put him on the beach and they start helping him.
So... nothing much to watch anymore. The crowd seems to catch on too and people start going back to their own spots.
I stare at the sea. Should I give swimming a try? I would get wet though. Maybe I shouldn’t swim after I’ve drunk a beer and plan to drink another.
I turn back to my spot, only to see my cooler gone. Well, some fool is running with it!
I pick up speed and dash toward that man. Who the hell would wear long sleeves and gloves on a peak summer day? He even has long trousers that combine with his clothes, covering his whole body.
“Hey, you! I see you! Put my stuff down!”
He or she, whatever it is, picks up speed. I just want my beer back. Who even puts valuables in a cooler anyway?
That person runs all the way to the small store in the middle of the beach. That stupid store is somehow closed, which sent me off my plan and I ended up having to buy my beer somewhere else - again.
But this fool still doesn’t get to take my stuff.
I spread my legs while swearing at the sand for slowing me down; if this was a normal road, I’d be a lot faster.
That person takes a turn behind the store as if I won’t catch him again. Does he think I’m that dumb?
I turn the corner, halting when there is a shadow ahead. I jump, but something smacks me on the head.
The pain spreads through me with a spark spiking through me; my limbs grow numb and I can’t move my body anymore.
Darkness grabs me and forces itself through my vision.
“Did you get the right one?”
“I think so?”
“Captain said what kind of clothes again?”
“Cartoon earth lizards.”
“Oh, then we probably have the right one.”
“Let’s go before someone catches us.”
“It’s so damn hot here.”
What the hell is happening? Who are these people?
A stronger spark rushes through me and I can no longer feel anything, not even my own existence.
Chapter 3