Page 1 of Luring the Alien
Chapter 1
Flyinginaspaceshipis boring and stupid. Someone should have invented a better way to travel in space.
I drum my fingers on the dashboard as I stare at the window. Maybe I should get a nap. This spaceship drives itself anyway, so it isn’t like I have to sit around.
I stand and stretch my arms. I’ve done my job well already, but being in this part of the universe...
How is this possible? There won’t be a single portal around here? For another day?
I resist the urge to punch the dashboard. It won’t hurt the stupid portal anyway, and I’m not going to pay to repair my own spaceship.
While the spaceship is floating here in the middle of nowhere, I scroll the map on the screen of the dashboard. There are planets around, but none of them look interesting.
There is this tiny little planet called Earth where there should be beings there I can communicate with.
Hm... A mostly blue planet with some green.
I scroll down to read the description of it. It seems to be a fine planet for me to spend some time on. I’ve just finished looking for rare gems on nearby planets, so it will be great to be on a planet...
Wait... Under the description box and the details about gaseous components, it said, no landing there and no communicating with the beings there unless I have authorization.
I scoff and roll my eyes at that. Who even follows that? And who will be here to catch me anyway?
I’m not a fool. There are humans on other planets, so there has to be someone bringing them there.
The more I think about the warning for landing on Earth, the more I want to have a look. It’s just a peek anyway. It isn’t like the humans will be able to see me.
I tap the buttons and steer my spaceship to Earth. Here I go. No one gets to stop me!
There is a thick layer of clouds and moisture in the atmosphere of Earth. I stare at the boring white and gray, stifling a yawn. Maybe this is just a boring planet. Humans can’t be that interesting anyway. I’ve seen some already.
They are pretty smart and with pale skin. I glance at my hand. Almost completely different from my purple skin.
Hmm... The clouds slowly clear and I’m staring at a large piece of blue. There is nothing other than the blue. The information chart said there should be humans or, at least, some buildings.
I tap on the screen and check again. So... the blue is the ocean and humans don’t build things on top of oceans.
Fine, I will go and search for somewhere I can see humans. It can’t be that hard. I will just move the ship to one side.
There they are. There is a light brown patch next to the ocean. I tap for the screen to zoom in. There are humans there and all of them seem to be lying around on the pale brown ground.
What are they doing there?
I squint at them, tapping to catch different angles. Looks like all of those are humans. There are different skin colors, but none of them looks like another species. Is that the reason I shouldn’t land there?
If I walk into that place, maybe everyone will stare at me.
I fold my arms and stare at the screen. Maybe I won’t land there. But I’m still going to be here in the air, watching these humans walking around in black glasses. That’s weird.
I check the information sheet again. perspective can be weird when I’m up so high. The document said that the place is called a beach. It is formed by the sedimentation of sand. Ah, then I understand. The sand here looks to be a different color from the ones I’ve seen. Anyway...
I scroll the map and go back to what I glanced at. There is a woman sitting under a tree in a cute two-piece that barely covers her boobs and her groin. I scratch my head and rub my ear. There are a lot of women dressing like that on the beach, but somehow, I feel the need to stare at this one.
She has beautiful brown hair, but she doesn’t look relaxed like the other humans. There’s no way she can see me, right?