Page 18 of Luring the Alien
I shrug. “No idea why.”
“Well...” He sighs. “I suppose you can go and take a rest in your room. Maybe I should get you better-fitting clothes, too.”
“I don’t want anything from you. I just want to go back to Earth.” I sigh after I said the words. It doesn’t seem like he will care anyway.
“Why? Do you not like this place?”
I shake my head. “You won’t understand. I know you are rich and everything, but... Never mind, I just want to be on my own if you aren’t letting me go back to Earth.”
He grunts and wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I want to push him away, but it won’t be useful. Maybe he’d think I’m playing with him. I let him hug me, but I won’t move an inch and I won’t hug him back.
He is a huge male and his body lights a flame inside me. There is a pulse of heat between my legs. But...
“Galene, talk to me. Something is wrong. Are you sick?”
I let out a breath when he finally let go of me. Maybe he figured I’m not in the mood to hug him or do anything with him. “Maybe homesick.”
He stares at me. “Do you... really want to go back to Earth? Because I took you here without asking you about that first?”
I nod. “I can’t be your mate. I’m a human, and you aren’t.”
He grunts. “That doesn’t matter. I know you are my mate and I can feel it inside my blood.”
There is a spark inside me, which echoes his words. Maybe he is my mate, but I don’t want to be his.
I shake my head again. “I’m...” I spread my arms to the side. Being in his size of clothing still makes me feel huge and weird. “I bet there are better females to be your mate.”
He growls. “What do you mean? You are perfect!”
I shiver and snap my head up at him.
He takes a step back. “Sorry, I don’t mean to scare you, but I don’t understand what you mean. Why will there be better females to be my mate?”
“Well, there are some that are...” I stare at my stomach. When I’m standing, it isn’t as apparent, but... “Someone that looks better than me. You are a handsome trocul, so you should find someone, well, better looking than me.”
He sucks in a breath, as if he is trying to take part of my soul with him. He slowly lets his breath out while I brace myself for him to scream at me.
He clears his throat. “I still don’t understand. Which part of you isn’t good-looking enough?”
My cheek burns. No one has said something like that to me before. “I mean, it’s like...”
“Ah, you think you are fat or something.”
“Yeah...” I grimace when it hurts. That’s what I mean to say, but I can’t make myself say it out loud. “So... I won’t look good on you and—“
“Who said you are fat?”
Well... A lot of people? Maybe we were just kids and kids made fun of each other and I should get over it, but... I’ve always been on the chubbier side.
He leans over, getting closer to me. “I’m asking. Who said that to you?”
“What are you asking that for?”
He clenches a fist. “I’m going to make them regret it.”
“No one gets to say that to you. You have the perfect curves for me, and I don’t care what others said about you. If they dare to say that, I’m going to show them red. Well, or blue, or whatever color their blood is.”