Page 25 of Luring the Alien
He is in a full suit. But instead of the ones humans wear, he doesn’t wear a shirt under the coat. He is in a black and slick cloth with collars, but it looks like a T-shirt more than a shirt, with no buttons. He has a necklace, though. The chain is golden, but it isn’t shiny gold, probably another kind of metal. There is a blue mineral as the pedant with marks that are like the ones on his body.
He is handsome and a very good-looking trocul in those clothes. Maybe his confidence is showing off and lifting him.
I still don’t understand how I fit in this ballroom. There are statues of unknown creatures at the door and along the walls. Those look like a lion but without the mane. They have sharp and long fangs, but not saber-tooth tigers. The statues have more than two big canines. They have two tails. There are patterns on the bodies, which are unique to each creature. Maybe those are decorative and not exactly how the creatures look, or are imagined.
The walls are black with silver glitters, which kind of look like the ones in Vikul’s place, but... There are paintings on the ceiling of beings at a war against some creatures I can’t name.
This place looks a bit too luxurious and huge for me to be comfortable.
I pull my eyes from the display and decoration in the room to the long table with food. Not all beings are dancing, some are at the long table taking their share of food, some are chatting by the bar, and some are standing to the side with drinks in their hands.
There are no humans in sight, which...
“Oh, yes? Sorry, what did I miss?”
Vikul rubs my side. “Getting nervous?”
I nod to a group of five on the other side of the ballroom. I don’t even know what species those are. Some have tails, some have horns. “You should be talking to those beings. That’s why we are here, right?”
He lets out a soft chuckle. “It is okay. Business can wait. I want you to feel better.”
“That’s what I want to, but it feels like I’m the only human here and... Almost everyone here is bigger than me and they all look like they know what they are doing here.”
“You are here to be a guest, like me. And you are here to enjoy yourself.”
“You said this is a business party.”
“Party is the key. All beings can use an excuse to enjoy themselves.”
He nudges me to go with him, but I have just started to get comfortable standing by the wall and away from everyone else.
I follow him, trying my best to not get tripped up by my dress and heels. I’ve practiced walking in them, so it should be fine, but I still worry about that all the time.
I jump when someone talks behind us. I turn around to find a huge male behind us with two curved horns on his head. He has golden scales and a wide grin.
He chuckles. “Hope I didn’t scare you. I’m Klouzo. Hope you are enjoying yourself at this party!” He shakes our hands with a bit too much energy in him.
Vikul gives Klouzo a nod. “Nice to meet you. You must be busy.”
Klouzo has a bright smile on his face. “Not at all, as long as everyone is happy. Don’t remember you having a plus-one last time around.”
My heart skips a beat. I suppose there’s no reason he can’t see my existence, but I hoped he wouldn’t make a remark.
Vikul gestures at me. “This is Galene, my mate.”
Klouzo gives me a nod. “Nice! I think you should meet Ruby. She is also a human. Seeing how rare you guys are, maybe it will help with the nerves.”
I resist the urge to tell Klouzo I’m fine when I’m not, but I don’t want to be rude.
Klouzo puts his hand next to his mouth, getting ready to shout when he stops and blinks. “I think I shouldn’t shout her name across the room. Give me a second.” He hurries off without saying another word and we remain staring at his back.
Vikul chuckles. “Ah, Klouzo is still doing his Klouzo thing.”
“What does that mean?”