Page 103 of One Time Player
“What? It’s the truth.” Daddy feigns innocence. He never speaks poorly about management so the fact that he is, that’s huge.
After all these revelations my parents join us for dinner, but no one eats very much. Then they hug us by the door. Mom assures me things have a way of working out. Maybe she can read my nerves and wants me to chill out.
After my parents leave, Evan comes to sit beside me on the couch. He lifts one of my legs on his thigh and begins to massage my foot.
“Oh, that feels really good,” I say.
“Is it weird I just got turned on by you saying that?” he responds, laughing.
I swat him playfully.
“I did,” he chuckles.
“That was intense,” I say to Evan.
“I don’t want you worrying about it. We play out the season and see what happens.” He’s very calm for what just went down.
“Okay,” I agree.
“I think we should move in together,” Evan suddenly blurts.
“You know we can’t do that and keep our relationship a secret,” I reply.
“The guys have gotten used to the fact I’m not into clubbing anymore. They barely ask me if I want to join them,” he says.
“But they still come over to play video games and hang out. What would you say to them if you moved in here?” I ask.
“Good point.” He seems disappointed.
I blow out a breath. “Okay, I may have reacted wrong to that situation. I should have told you I would love you to move in here, but we need to wait at least until the playoffs are over before we come clean to the team and our friends,” I backpedal. I’m still going to see Joan, my therapist, every few weeks. After swearing off relationships for so long, it’s been hard for me to fall into the groove of a serious relationship. I still get scared and freeze up, and my auto response is to close down and not share my feelings, but I’m working on it.
“Thanks for saying that, Patty,” Evan says and then he moves in and kisses me. Slowly he crawls over me, and I find myself on my back. Evan peels my clothes off starting with my thin, oversized cotton shirt and then my leggings.
“Your belly is growing,” he notes happily.
“I know, I’m really starting to show. The weather is warm and I just want to wear shorts and T-shirts, but I’ve been buying things that are oversized.”
“We got about five weeks to go,” Evan reminds. “And I love to watch you grow.”
“I kind of love it too,” I admit.
“Hi there, little one, it’s your daddy here,” Evan coos. It isn’t the first time he is speaking with my belly but I still get giddy. “Your mom doesn’t want me moving in yet, but soon enough I’ll be here to talk to you all the time.”
“You know it’s really sexy when you do that,” I say to Evan.
“How sexy?” he asks with a mischievous grin.
I lift his T-shirt over his head and take in all his finely sculpted muscle. I lick my lips.
“Take off your jeans, and while you’re at it your boxers,” I tell him.
“Are you this bossy because your pregnant or are you like this all the time?” he asks.
“I don’t know. I’ve never been like this with anyone else. I like to see you naked. I like to have your body moving with mine,” I admit.
“Good answer,” he says, and he captures my lips.
It doesn’t take long for our tongues to tangle or for Evan to slowly spread kisses down my neck. He nibbles and sucks until goosebumps erupt all over my body. As he moves down my belly and I anticipate how hungry he is to eat my pussy, I become drenched just for him.