Page 107 of One Time Player
The day after Evan proposed, Skylar and Liam had a brunch for all the wedding guests who stayed for an extended visit at the resort. That meant all of Evan’s teammates would be there. Evan insisted I stop wearing clothes to hide my little baby bump. He said he wanted to enjoy watching every stage of my growth and the truth is, so did I. Since I didn’t pack anything that would fit me properly in terms of slacks, I opted for a black fitted dress I packed, figuring the material was stretchy and would just hug my new curves generously while I was hanging around the villa. When we walked into brunch I thought all eyes would be on me, but they weren’t. At least they weren’t on me because of my little baby bump. No, they were on me because Evan took hold of my hand as we entered the brunch and kissed the back of it. First, we stopped by Skylar and Liam’s table. They were sitting with Liam’s mother and his father with his new wife and kids. When I told Skylar I was pregnant and Evan and I were together, she burst into tears and told me she had a strong feeling something was going on. Then she hugged me so hard she squeezed the air out of my lungs. Liam congratulated Evan. And they both asked when the baby was due. Skylar went on and on about how excited she was about the baby, and I made a mental note to ask Evan if he minded if she would be the baby’s godmother.
Then we went to sit at a table with a bunch of his teammates. From there we spilled the beans to the team, who were just happy for us. Evan explained he didn’t want to disrupt the season with his news of breaking the non-fraternization policy. The guys weren’t angry or upset. Most of them said they had a feeling something may have been going on. A lot of them just said it made a whole lot of sense because Evan stopped going out with the single guys to clubs. Brett hugged Evan and said he was happy for him, which was a shocker coming from the eternal bachelor.
Now we were back in my apartment in New York, waiting for another meeting with Alan, the President of Hockey Operations. We all paid attention to the fact the meeting was set up with Alan and not Tray and Alan. We all wondered what that meant.
Daddy and Evan once again found themselves sitting side by side at my dining table. The only difference with this visit would be that Evan lived here now. He had given up his apartment when we returned from LA, and we both decided there would be no more hiding.
I had become a lot more relaxed about our destiny. Daddy had come to terms with the fact he may not return to the Rangers, and so had Evan. Even though deep down I think Mom would prefer to stay in New York.
As the men logged on, Mom and I sat off to the side once again listening in. Alan’s first words this time were, “We fired Tray.”
Evan and Daddy gave each other a look.
“We want both of you back. We’re willing to talk salary increases,” Alan stated. Inside I was cheering and doing a happy dance. Mom’s eyes also danced with excitement.
“Thanks, Alan,” Daddy said to him. “I’d be honored to stay on as head coach.”
“Thank you, sir,” Evan said. “I’m happy to stay on playing.”
“Good. We’ll be introducing the new GM shortly. We’ll be getting in touch with your agents.”
“Thanks,” Daddy said.
“Thank you,” Evan replied.
Alan told both of them to have a good night and then we all spent about ten minutes jumping up and down with excitement.
Patty is in the middle of giving birth. I’m holding her hand with one of mine and her leg up with the other, as my wife is in the middle of delivering our baby.
“You got this,” I cheer her on.
My mother-in-law is sitting in the corner of the room rocking herself. “It is not easy watching your kid give birth, but I have to see the birth of my grandson.”
When we announced our engagement to her parents, we also announced we are having a boy. Coach started planning his NHL career immediately and Flynn argued that we needed a lawyer in the family who would take over both of her practices in Chicago and New York.
“Evan,” she groans. “It hurts.”
“Wait, don’t push,” the nurse coaches. Then we hear her tell the doctor Patty is crowning and one more good push and the baby will most likely deliver.
The doctor moves in. “Okay, when I tell you, I need you to give me the best push you’ve got.”
“I’m so tired,” Patty cries.
“You’re so strong, you got this,” I assure her.
“You aren’t coming anywhere near me for a long time, Evan Hayworth,” Patty roars.
I look over at Flynn and she flinches.
“Okay, and push now,” the doctor urges.
Patty pushes so hard her face turns beet red, she looks like an angry fire-breathing dragon.