Page 11 of One Time Player
Evan takes a step away from the door. “You too, Patty. Sweet dreams.”
This guy. He’s sweet, but he’s trouble. Maybe he’s right and I need to friend zone his ass now.
With the guys playing at home tonight, Jamie and I sit on the bench watching, along with the doctors who are by our side if anyone gets injured. Jamie and I are discussing the pregame warm-up we gave some of the guys. I’m learning each player has their own routine. Some of them are used to working with Mike so it’s an adjustment for them to work with me. I know I’m going to have to earn their trust. Evan didn’t seem to have a problem coming to me and asking me to wrap his wrist before the game. He was friendly and thanked me for taking him out last night. My father was standing close by and cocked a brow at me, like he wasn’t pleased with this information. I eyed him pleadingly because he needs to know at work we aren’t father and daughter. I also don’t need him giving Evan the third degree over nothing. Later though, I went by his office and explained Evan was feeling down and that he went out with the girls last night. Having the girls with us worked to my advantage because Daddy seemed to be appeased. He also said it’s okay if I am friends with some of the players, to which I reminded him I was friends with Wolfe’s wife, Rebel, and I was friends with Liam because he was with Skylar. Besides the players themselves are friends so being a ‘friend’ wasn’t breaking any policies.
We are in the second period of game five as we continue to watch.The second round of the playoff series is under way. If the guys lose tonight, it’s going to be game over since Florida has pounced our asses for three of those games.
Florida seems to be a rough team. There have been lots of fights breaking out these last couple of games. I watch as the guys battle it out. The puck is close to our net and our goalie, Sven Bachowski, is on guard. Brett is defending along with Kaleb as four guys from Florida fight with the puck. Evan comes into the mix when one of the Florida guys knocks down our goalie. Then the other Florida guys are on top of him as our guys try to get them off. Playoff games are usually rougher than regular season, but this is ludicrous. I hope Sven is okay, but my guess is he isn’t.
The refs finally blow the whistle, and the Florida guys are cleared away.
Sven doesn’t get up. The ref is talking to him, and he seems to be alert but he also looks hurt. Dammit. Sven finally stands. He’s skating with his legs basically glued together as he’s assisted off the ice.
Two of the doctors sitting beside us stand to meet Sven and assess him.
“This doesn’t look good,” Jamie whispers.
“It really doesn’t,” I agree.
Our backup goalie is someone who was brought in from Canada. The verdict on how good he is isn’t out yet. The new guy skates out to the net. Jamie blows out a breath and I watch my father cross his arms over his chest. Tension rolls off him in spades, despite his poker face. He loves this team. He’s dedicated a number of years to coaching them. He wants to bring the Cup to New York, but it’s been a tough go. A lot of the guys have injuries. They aren’t in the best condition. Liam is one of the top players on the team, and he’s out due to injuries he incurred while helping Skylar with her crazy ex. Add to that, other players have injuries I’m pretty sure were caused intentionally by some of the Florida players. Penalties weren’t called but that’s only because of the higher threshold for calling a penalty during playoffs. The whole situation sucks.
With the new goalie at the net, I’m holding my breath. I hope the guys win tonight. I remember being a teenager when Daddy brought the Cup home to Chicago. There was a lot of excitement, and he was so happy to achieve that goal. I want that for the Rangers too. They are a good group of men, who are all about good sportsmanship. I see why Daddy likes to lead these guys.
By the end of the third period, we are down with no chance of bouncing back so when we lose the game I’m not surprised. The guys are in a mood. I don’t blame them, it’s the first time in years they made it passed the first round of playoffs. Everyone is sour. The season is officially over. Jamie and I head to the therapy rooms, knowing the guys took a lot of hits during the game. We will have to tend to their injuries, which could include anything from icing to bring down inflammation to stretching.
While the guys are interviewing, Jamie and I prep the room with ice packs, heating pads, and the works. Mom calls to check in quickly. I tell her I’m busy. She’s upset about the loss, knowing how hard Daddy will take it. I assure her we will win the Cup next year but who knows, it’s a tough sport.
I end the call with Mom and slip my cell into my pocket as the first round of guys come through for therapy. Brett has a black eye and I pass him an ice pack. Matt is having knee pain from an old injury. The guys are talking about Sven. Brett says he thinks it’s a groin injury. Goalies are prone to groin injuries, so it makes sense. Sven did a version of the splits.
Evan walks in next. He’s limping and holding his right shoulder. “I was checked into the boards by that ogre,” he exclaims. The guys begin cursing as we tend to the injuries. More guys continue to pour in. They know it’s better to tend to the injuries right away to avoid flare-ups, but in some cases it’s inevitable. By the time I leave the arena, it’s close to one and I’m dead on my feet. I can’t imagine what next season will be like if I’m hired full time. For now, this was a short-term position. With the guys gone, I grab my purse and head out to my car. Jamie offers to walk me out since he’s leaving too.
“You did good tonight, Patty. Things can get intense, especially around playoffs, but you held your own,” he congratulates.
“Thanks,” I reply with a small smile, feeling good about myself. “Does that mean you’ll put in a good word with the GM?” I wait with bated breath.
“You know it,” he says as we approach my car.
I wish Jamie a good night and head to my car. As I’m driving away, my cell rings and I answer the call on Bluetooth.
“I miss you,” are Skylar’s first words.
“It’s after one in the morning,” I reply to her. “And I miss you too.”
“I can’t believe they’re done for the season,” she sighs.
“That’s life,” I say and shrug. “We’ll try again next year.”
“Are they going to hire you back for next year?” she asks.
“I sure hope so. Jamie was impressed with me. He said he’d put in a good word.”
“Good,” Skylar says, and she yawns.
“Why are you up this late anyway?” I ask.