Page 110 of One Time Player
“Thanks so much, Meagan,” I say on purpose. She wanted to be a bitch well two can play that game. I pass blonde girl who I now know is Annie the phone. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Her brows draw together. “Was that Meagan, as in my roommate?”
“Are you Annie?” I ask the girl who nods with her lips pinched in a straight line.
“Then yes, Meagan your roommate was on the phone. She rented me your room for three hundred bucks and then kicked me out midway. She doesn’t want to give me the remainder of my money back. She just fired me from my job because I was also her employee,” I explain.
“That’s super bitchy. I can’t believe she would just rent out my room without asking me and pocket the money. I was paying rent while I was gone,” Annie explains.
“That sucks. I’m sorry. Meagan doesn’t seem like the nicest person,” I say.
“I was actually going to give her my sixty days because I’m moving in with my boyfriend,” Annie explains.
“Good for you, Meagan is really not trustworthy,” I reply as the elevator door opens. Meagan is in her short shorts and t-shirt holding up my phone and charger. I take it from her grasp because I do not trust her.
“Bitch,” she snickers.
“Good luck with that one,” I say to Annie. As I work to get my luggage out of the door of the building.
“Let me help you,” Annie offers and she holds the door and helps me role one of my suitcases.
“Thanks,” I say.
“Good luck,” Annie chimes.
I’m going to need more than luck at this point but I thank her too.
When I get outside I don’t know if I should call an Uber or my friend Patty. I decide on Patty because I don’t think all these suitcases will fit in an Uber. Not that Patty has a big car but I need more than a ride. I need a place to stay until I get myself figured out.
The phone rings once and Patty picks up. “Ellie what’s going on?”
I realize it’s only half past six.
“Shit. Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” I begin. I go on to tell her how I was evicted from the room I was renting.
After muttering a string of expletives she offers to come get me. Luckily it isn’t too cold outside, and I have my coat. Although I feel kind of awkward just hanging out on the street in pajamas and a row of luggage beside me.
Patty pulls up to the curb twenty minutes later. She is in her pajamas with her blonde hair in a bun on her head and a large puffy coat.
“Ellie,” Patty says. “Why didn’t you say you moved out of your apartment?”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” I shrug and that’s when the tears finally come.
“Aw sweetie,” Patty gathers me in her arms and hugs me.
“I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. How is it possible for one person to screw up so many times?” I cry.
“You aren’t screwing up. You’re finding your way and sometimes it’s hard to do that when you don’t let the people in your life who care about you help you. Now you’re coming back to my place. There are no if’s and or buts about it,” Patty insists and then she goes to pick up one of my suitcases.
“Don’t touch that,” I warn. She’s pregnant and things were a little rocky for her. I don’t want her to put any strain on the baby.
She pulls her hand back.
“I will find a way to fit this all in your car. Now you get back in and sit tight,” I say to her. She does as I say, and I get to work. Only one of my suitcases fits in her trunk which leaves two for her back seat and one in her front seat. “I’m going to Uber to your place,” I say to her since I don’t have much choice. “Don’t touch the luggage until I get there.”
“See you there.”
“Thanks for coming to get me,” I say before I close her car door.