Page 13 of One Time Player
Me:I’m scared to ask what that means.
Evan: I’m focusing on me for a while. And my friends. Just to clarify, you made the cut.
Me:We aren’t friends.
Evan:You’re wrong. Are you used to being wrong or is this new for you?
I shake my head and laugh because if anything he is entertaining.
Me: I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong, but in this case I’m right. We aren’t friends.
Evan:You’re friends with Liam.
Me:What does that have to do with anything?
Evan: Liam is one of my best friends. It makes sense we should be friends too.
Me: Your explanation doesn’t really make sense.
I smile as I type those words.
Evan:Have a good night, friend.
Me:You’re incorrigible.
I shake my head and still I’m laughing.
Evan:So I’ve been told.
I grin looking at my phone, but I decide not to respond to the last message. Instead, I open my laptop and finalize the details of my ticket to London, leaving the day after tomorrow. I figure I will have to stop by to see Skylar and Crew tomorrow, as well as my parents, before I leave.
I confirm dates for my hotel booking and bed-and-breakfasts for my stay in the different locations.
I head to my dresser and pull out a nightie, but I still feel unsettled, so I take out my vibrator. When I close my eyes, its Evan’s face I see. His searing brown eyes, his mischievous smile. I snap my eyes open immediately. That is a no-fly zone. I clear my brain of any thoughts of Evan and refocus. I finish my vibe session and my eyes lull shut. When I wake in the morning, I remember my dream. I was with Evan at the Eiffel Tower. Frustration bubbles inside me. I can’t be dreaming about him. I don’t even like him. We aren’t friends. We have nothing in common. I’m pissed at my psyche or whichever part of my brain it was that concocted a horribly romantic dream about him. I spend the day taking care of last-minute errands and packing a suitcase. I then invite Skylar and Crew over to Mom and Dad’s because Mom said I should bring them along for dinner. The plan works out well for me because two birds—one stone. I don’t get any more texts from Evan. I figure he got the message loud and clear. We aren’t meant to be friends. I’m just the team assistant physical therapist. Only as I enter JFK with my one suitcase rolling beside me and another in front of me, I see a group of guys from the team.
Brett is the first to wave and then they notice me, including Evan. His smirk is so annoying as he waves too.
“Hi, guys,” I greet the group.
“Hey, Patty,” Brett replies, along with the others muttering some form of hello.
“Where are you off to?” Evan asks, looking between me and my suitcases.
“London,” I state.
“Cool,” he says.
“We’re going golfing,” Kaleb shares.
“Make sure to keep up with your workouts,” I remind because I’m feeling awkward, and now I sound like their mother. I’m internally cringing.
“Oh, we plan to,” Brett replies, but I feel like he has some double meaning.
Evan shakes his head and smiles bashfully.
“Have a good trip,” Evan says.
“Thanks, you guys too. I better go check in,” I say.