Page 32 of One Time Player
I head to my room and decide on a cream-colored body suit, which I pair with light gray wide slacks. I finish the outfit with a pair of cream stilettos, figuring Evan is tall enough he will still be taller than me in these heels. When I was younger, I hated being so tall because it took the boys longer to grow, which meant I found myself at dance parties dancing with boys whose nose came up to my chest. It isn’t a real problem other than a personal preference, but I like the guy I’m with to be at least my height. Not that it should matter with Evan because we are just friends.
I head to the kitchen and drink down a large glass of water before I leave the house. I also text Evan I’m on my way to him.
On the way, I decide to catch up on some phone calls. I call Skylar first.
“Hey, what’s up?” I ask.
“I’m losing my mind, Patty. I’ve got so much homework,” she complains since she finally decided to go back to school and finish her degree.
“You’re a rock star. You got this,” I assure. “You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Just persevere.” It’s a line I sometimes use with patients when they have a lot of physical training to do, and the road looks long and bleak.
“Gah,” she groans. “Let’s not talk about school. Let’s talk about the fact I was getting ready to go to school three days ago, and I was about to leave my apartment when I thought I heard your voice at, let’s say, 8:00 a.m.?” Her tone picks up a notch.
Oh dear.
Ever since Skylar got together with Liam and is head over heels in love, she feels the need to make sure I find my special someone. She still didn’t get the memo it isn’t happening.
I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment. I have both hands on the wheel and I grip it a little tighter.
“Don’t let your imagination run wild. We were hanging out and I crashed on his couch,” I explain.
“Oooh, so you slept on the couch, not his bed,” she says, and I wonder if she is somehow inside my mind reading my thoughts.
“Not exactly. Evan picked me up from the couch and put me in his bed.”
Skylar cheers loudly. Too damn loud.
“You need to chill, Evan slept in the guest room. There isn’t anything going on between us other than friendship.”
“Sure,” she drawls like she doesn’t believe me.
“I’m being serious, Sky. It was and always will be completely platonic between us,” I assure.
“Okay,” she concedes. “Just in case you happen to fall asleep at his place again. Of course, accidentally, just know you can come over and borrow some clothes. I even have new panties with the tags still on them.”
I’m not convincing her otherwise. “Okay, thanks.”
“So where are you headed now?” she asks.
Damn, if I say where I’m going, I’ll only add fuel to the fire.
I want to lie but I’ve never lied to Sky. Omitted the truth maybe, but never a direct lie.
“I’m taking Evan for dinner. I owe him for all the takeout he’s ordered us at his place.”
“Fine, okay. You two are just friends,” she concedes.
“Thank you. Anyhoo, tell me how the little guy is doing.”
She yawns. “He’s good. He loves his new school. He’s made some nice friends. He’s playing hockey again this year.”
“That’s amazing,” I cheer.
“It’s been good for him. I know I was being crazy about not letting him play hockey for the longest time, but I see I was wrong. The sportsmanship and comradery have been good for him.”
“I’m glad. You know if you ever need me to watch him if you’re busy, let me know,” I offer.
“With your crazy schedule? You’re just as busy as Liam,” she huffs.